Section 17958.7.  

Latest version.
  • (a)  Except as provided in Section 17922.6, the governing body of a city or county, before making any modifications or changes pursuant to Section 17958.5, shall make an express finding that such modifications or changes are reasonably necessary because of local climatic, geological or topographical conditions. Such a finding shall be available as a public record. A copy of those findings, together with the modification or change expressly marked and identified to which each finding refers, shall be filed with the California Building Standards Commission. No modification or change shall become effective or operative for any purpose until the finding and the modification or change have been filed with the California Building Standards Commission.

    (b)  The California Building Standards Commission may reject a modification or change filed by the governing body of a city or county if no finding was submitted.

(Amended by Stats. 1997, Ch. 645, Sec. 12. Effective January 1, 1998.)