Section 1596.867.  

Latest version.
  • (a) All child day care facilities, as defined in Section 1596.750, shall include an Earthquake Preparedness Checklist as an attachment to the disaster plan prescribed by Section 1596.95 or 1597.54. However, the Earthquake Preparedness Checklist shall not be considered a requirement for obtaining or maintaining a license for a child day care center or family day care home. The Earthquake Preparedness Checklist shall be made accessible to the public at the child day care center, or family day care home. The licensing agency shall not monitor or be responsible for enforcing any provision contained in the Earthquake Preparedness Checklist or ensuring that the checklist is made accessible to the public.

    (b) The Earthquake Preparedness Checklist shall not exceed two typewritten pages and the department may add to or delete from the list, as it deems appropriate. The checklist may include, but not be limited to, all of the procedures that are listed in the following proposed Earthquake Preparedness Checklist. A licensee of a child day care center or family day care home shall have the option of selecting from the checklist the procedures, if any, the licensee chooses to use in the child day care center or family day care home.

    Earthquake Preparedness Checklist (EPC)*

    Eliminate potential hazards in classrooms and throughout the

    Bolt bookcases in high traffic areas securely to wall studs

    Move heavy books and items from high to low shelves

    Secure and latch filing cabinets

    Secure cabinets in high traffic areas with child safety latches

    Secure aquariums, computers, typewriters, TV-VCR
    equipment to surfaces, such as by using Velcro tabs

    Make provisions for securing rolling portable items such as
    TV-VCRs, pianos, refrigerators

    Move children's activities and play areas away from
    windows, or protect windows with blinds or adhesive
    plastic sheeting

    Secure water heater to wall using plumber's tape

    Assess and determine possible escape routes

    Establish a coordinated response plan involving all of the following:

    Involving children:

    Teach children about earthquakes and what to do (see
    resource list below)

    Practice "duck, cover, and hold" earthquake drills under
    tables or desks no less than 4 times a year

    Involving parents:

    Post, or make available to parents, copies of the school
    earthquake safety plan (including procedures for
    reuniting parents or alternate guardians with children,
    location of planned evacuation site, method for leaving
    messages and communicating)

    Enlist parent and community resource assistance in securing
    emergency supplies or safeguarding the child day care


    store a 3-day supply of nonperishable food (including
    juice, canned food items, snacks, and infant


    store a 3-day supply of water and juice


    store food and water in an accessible location, such as
    portable plastic storage containers


    store other emergency supplies such as flashlights, a
    radio with extra batteries, heavy gloves, trash bags,
    and tools


    maintain a complete, up-to-date listing of children,
    emergency numbers, and contact people for each
    classroom stored with emergency supplies

    Involving child day care personnel and local emergency

    Identify and assign individual responsibilities for staff
    following an earthquake (including accounting for and
    evacuating children, injury control, damage assessment)

    Involve and train all staff members about the earthquake
    safety plan, including location and procedure for turning
    off utilities and gas

    Contact nearby agencies (including police, fire, Red Cross,
    and local government) for information and materials in
    developing the child day care center earthquake safety plan

    *For more free resources contact:

    (1)  Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
    (2)  Office of Emergency Services
    (3)  Red Cross

    (c) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the adoption or enforcement of earthquake safety standards for child day care facilities by local ordinance.

    (d) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent the department from adopting or enforcing regulations on earthquake safety or making earthquake safety drills mandatory.

(Amended by Stats. 2013, Ch. 352, Sec. 331. Effective September 26, 2013. Operative July 1, 2013, by Sec. 543 of Ch. 352.)