Section 131055.2.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Commencing July 1, 2013, the State Department of Public Health shall succeed to and be vested with all the duties, powers, purposes, functions, responsibilities, and jurisdiction of the former State Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs as they relate to the Office of Problem and Pathological Gambling (Chapter 8 (commencing with Section 4369) of Part 3 of Division 4 of the Welfare and Institutions Code).

    (b) For purposes of the Office of Problem and Pathological Gambling (Chapter 8 (commencing with Section 4369) of Part 3 of Division 4 of the Welfare and Institutions Code) and the Gambling Addiction Program Fund (Article 12 (commencing with Section 19950) of Chapter 5 of Division 8 of the Business and Professions Code), references to the State Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs shall refer to the State Department of Public Health.

    (c) All fees collected from licensees in accordance with Article 12 (commencing with Section 19950) of Chapter 5 of Division 8 of the Business and Professions Code and deposited into the Gambling Addiction Program Fund shall be available to the State Department of Public Health in accordance with the requirements of that section.

    (d) Notwithstanding any other law, any reference in statute, regulation, or contract to the State Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs or the State Department of Alcohol and Drug Abuse shall be construed to refer to the State Department of Public Health when it relates to the transfer of duties, powers, purposes, functions, responsibilities, and jurisdiction made pursuant to this section.

    (e) No contract, lease, license, or any other agreement to which the State Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs is a party shall be made void or voidable by reason of this section, but shall continue in full force and effect with the State Department of Public Health assuming all of the rights, obligations, and duties of the State Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs with respect to the transfer of duties, powers, purposes, functions, responsibilities, and jurisdiction made pursuant to this section.

    (f) (1) All unexpended balances of appropriations and other funds available for use by the State Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs in connection with any function or the administration of any law transferred to the State Department of Public Health pursuant to the act that enacted this section shall be available for use by the State Department of Public Health for the purpose for which the appropriation was originally made or the funds were originally available.

    (2) The State Department of Public Health may, until July 1, 2017, liquidate the prior years' encumbrances previously obligated by the Office of Problem and Pathological Gambling. The Controller shall transfer all balances of the following Budget Act appropriations from the Office of Problem and Pathological Gambling to the State Department of Public Health, for use by the State Department of Public Health to liquidate any prior years' encumbrances previously obligated by the Office of Problem and Pathological Gambling:

    (A) Items 4200-001-0367, 4200-101-0367, and 4200-001-3110 of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2011 (Chapter 33 of the Statutes of 2011).

    (B) Items 4200-001-0367, 4200-101-0367, and 4200-001-3110 of Section 2.00 of the Budget Act of 2012 (Chapter 21 of the Statutes of 2012).

    (g) All books, documents, forms, records, data systems, and property of the State Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs with respect to the transfer of duties, powers, purposes, functions, responsibilities, and jurisdiction made pursuant to this section shall be transferred to the State Department of Public Health.

    (h) Positions filled by appointment by the Governor in the State Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs whose principal assignment was to perform functions transferred pursuant to this section shall be transferred to the State Department of Public Health. All employees serving in state civil service, other than temporary employees, who are engaged in the performance of functions transferred pursuant to this section, are transferred to the State Department of Public Health pursuant to the provisions of Section 19050.9 of the Government Code. The status, positions, and rights of those persons shall not be affected by their transfer and shall continue to be retained by them pursuant to the State Civil Service Act (Part 2 (commencing with Section 18500) of Division 5 of Title 2 of the Government Code), except as to positions the duties of which are vested in a position exempt from civil service. The personnel records of all employees transferred pursuant to this section shall be transferred to the State Department of Public Health.

    (i) Any regulation, order, or other action adopted, prescribed, taken, or performed by an agency or officer in the administration of a program or the performance of a duty, power, purpose, function, or responsibility pursuant to the Office of Problem and Pathological Gambling (Chapter 8 (commencing with Section 4369) of Part 3 of Division 4 of the Welfare and Institutions Code) and the Gambling Addiction Program Fund (Article 12 (commencing with Section 19950) of Chapter 5 of Division 8 of the Business and Professions Code) in effect prior to July 1, 2013, shall remain in effect unless or until amended, readopted, or repealed, or until they expire by their own terms, and shall be deemed to be a regulation or action of the agency to which or officer to whom the program, duty, power, purpose, function, responsibility, or jurisdiction is assigned pursuant to this section.

    (j) No suit, action, or other proceeding lawfully commenced by or against any agency or other officer of the state, in relation to the administration of any program or the discharge of any duty, power, purpose, function, or responsibility transferred pursuant to this section, shall abate by reason of the transfer of the program, duty, power, purpose, function, or responsibility under this section.

(Amended by Stats. 2013, Ch. 361, Sec. 2. Effective September 26, 2013.)