Section 11488.6.  

Latest version.
  • (a)  If the court or jury at the forfeiture hearing finds that the property is forfeitable pursuant to Section 11470, but does not find that a person having a valid ownership interest, which includes, but is not limited to, a valid lien, mortgage, security interest, or interest under a conditional sales contract acquired such interest with actual knowledge that the property was to be used for a purpose for which forfeiture is permitted, and the amount due such person is less than the appraised value of the property, such person may pay to the state or the local governmental entity which initiated the forfeiture proceeding the amount of the equity, which shall be deemed to be the difference between the appraised value and the amount of the lien, mortgage, security interest, or interest under a conditional sales contract. Upon such payment, the state or local governmental entity shall relinquish all claims to the property. If the holder of the interest elects not to make such payment to the state or local governmental entity, the property shall be deemed forfeited to the state or local governmental entity and the ownership certificate shall be forwarded. The appraised value shall be determined as of the date judgment is entered on a wholesale basis either by agreement between the legal owner and the governmental entity involved, or if they cannot agree, then by the inheritance tax appraiser for the county in which the action is brought. A person having a valid ownership interest, which includes, but is not limited to, a valid lien, mortgage, security interest, or interest under a conditional sales contract shall be paid the appraised value of his or her interest in accordance with the provisions of Section 11489.

    (b)  If the amount due to a person having a valid ownership interest, which includes, but is not limited to, a valid lien, mortgage, security interest, or interest under a conditional sales contract is less than the value of the property and the person elects not to make payment to the governmental entity, the property shall be sold at public auction by the Department of General Services or by the local governmental entity which shall provide notice of such sale by one publication in a newspaper published and circulated in the city, community, or locality where the sale is to take place.

    (c)  The proceeds of sale pursuant to subdivision (b) shall be first distributed in accordance with the provisions of Section 11489.

(Amended by Stats. 1994, Ch. 314, Sec. 16. Effective August 19, 1994.)