Section 90002.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Audits and investigations of lobbying firms and lobbyist employers shall be performed on a biennial basis and shall cover reports filed during a period of two years.

    (b) If a lobbying firm or lobbyist employer keeps a separate account for all receipts and payments for which reporting is required by this chapter, the requirement of an audit under subdivision (a) of Section 90001 shall be satisfied by an audit of that account and the supporting documentation required to be maintained by Section 86110.

    (c) No audit or investigation of any candidate, controlled committee, or committee primarily supporting or opposing a candidate or a measure in connection with a report or statement required by Chapter 4 of this title, shall begin until after the last date for filing the first report or statement following the general, runoff or special election for the office for which the candidate ran, or following the election at which the measure was adopted or defeated, except that audits and investigations of statewide candidates, their controlled committees, and committees primarily supporting or opposing those statewide candidates who were defeated in the primary election and who are not required to file statements for the general election may begin after the last date for filing the first report or statement following the primary election. When the campaign statements or reports of a candidate, controlled committee, or a committee primarily supporting or opposing a candidate are audited and investigated pursuant to Section 90001, the audit and investigation shall cover all campaign statements and reports filed for the primary and general or special or runoff elections and any previous campaign statement or report filed pursuant to Section 84200 or 84200.5 since the last election for that office, but shall exclude any statements or reports which have previously been audited pursuant to Section 90001 or 90003. When the campaign statements or reports of a committee primarily supporting or opposing a measure are audited and investigated, the audit and investigation shall cover all campaign statements and reports from the beginning date of the first campaign statement filed by the committee in connection with the measure. For all other committees, the audit and investigation shall cover all campaign statements filed during the previous two calendar years.

(Amended by Stats. 1994, Ch. 1139, Sec. 3. Effective January 1, 1995. Note: This section was added on June 4, 1974, by initiative Prop. 9.)