Section 8670.12.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The administrator shall conduct studies and evaluations necessary for improving oil spill response, containment, and cleanup and oil spill wildlife rehabilitation in marine waters and marine oil transportation systems. The administrator may expend moneys from the Oil Spill Prevention and Administration Fund created pursuant to Section 8670.38, enter into consultation agreements, and acquire necessary equipment and services for the purpose of carrying out these studies and evaluations.

    (b) The administrator shall study the use and effects of dispersants, incineration, bioremediation, and any other methods used to respond to a spill. The study shall periodically be updated to ensure the best achievable protection from the use of those methods. Based upon substantial evidence in the record, the administrator may determine in individual cases that best achievable protection is provided by establishing requirements which provide the greatest degree of protection achievable without imposing costs which significantly outweigh the incremental protection that would otherwise be provided. The studies shall do all of the following:

    (1) Evaluate the effectiveness of dispersants and other chemical agents in oil spill response under varying environmental conditions.

    (2) Evaluate potential adverse impacts on the environment and public health including, but not limited to, adverse toxic impacts on water quality, fisheries, and wildlife with consideration to bioaccumulation and synergistic impacts, and the potential for human exposure, including skin contact and consumption of contaminated seafood.

    (3) Recommend appropriate uses and limitations on the use of dispersants and other chemical agents to ensure they are used only in situations where the administrator determines they are effective and safe.

    (c) The administrator shall evaluate the feasibility of using commercial fishermen and other mariners for oil spill containment and cleanup. The study shall examine the following:

    (1) Equipment and technology needs.

    (2) Coordination with private response personnel.

    (3) Liability and insurance.

    (4) Compensation.

    (d) The studies shall be performed in conjunction with any studies performed by federal, state, and international entities. The administrator may enter into contracts for the studies.

(Added by Stats. 1990, Ch. 1248, Sec. 17. Effective September 24, 1990.)