Section 8589.5.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Inundation maps showing the areas of potential flooding in the event of sudden or total failure of any dam, the partial or total failure of which the Office of Emergency Services determines, after consultation with the Department of Water Resources, would result in death or personal injury, shall be prepared and submitted as provided in this subdivision within six months after the effective date of this section, unless previously submitted or unless the time for submission of those maps is extended for reasonable cause by the Office of Emergency Services. The local governmental organization, utility, or other public or private owner of any dam so designated shall submit to the Office of Emergency Services one map that shall delineate potential flood zones that could result in the event of dam failure when the reservoir is at full capacity, or if the local governmental organization, utility, or other public or private owner of any dam shall determine it to be desirable, he or she shall submit three maps that shall delineate potential flood zones that could result in the event of dam failure when the reservoir is at full capacity, at median-storage level, and at normally low-storage level. After submission of copies of the map or maps, the Office of Emergency Services shall review the map or maps, and shall return any map or maps that do not meet the requirements of this subdivision, together with recommendations relative to conforming to the requirements. Maps rejected by the Office of Emergency Services shall be revised to conform to those recommendations and resubmitted. The Office of Emergency Services shall keep on file those maps that conform to the provisions of this subdivision. Maps approved pursuant to this subdivision shall also be kept on file with the Department of Water Resources. The owner of a dam shall submit final copies of those maps to the Office of Emergency Services that shall immediately submit identical copies to the appropriate public safety agency of any city, county, or city and county likely to be affected.

    (b) (1) Based upon a review of inundation maps submitted pursuant to subdivision (a) or based upon information gained by an onsite inspection and consultation with the affected local jurisdiction when the requirement for an inundation map is waived pursuant to subdivision (d), the Office of Emergency Services shall designate areas within which death or personal injury would, in its determination, result from the partial or total failure of a dam. The appropriate public safety agencies of any city, county, or city and county, the territory of which includes any of those areas, may adopt emergency procedures for the evacuation and control of populated areas below those dams. The Office of Emergency Services shall review the procedures to determine whether adequate public safety measures exist for the evacuation and control of populated areas below the dams, and shall make recommendations with regard to the adequacy of those procedures to the concerned public safety agency. In conducting the review, the Office of Emergency Services shall consult with appropriate state and local agencies.

    (2) Emergency procedures specified in this subdivision shall conform to local needs, and may be required to include any of the following elements or any other appropriate element, in the discretion of the Office of Emergency Services:

    (A) Delineation of the area to be evacuated.

    (B) Routes to be used.

    (C) Traffic control measures.

    (D) Shelters to be activated for the care of the evacuees.

    (E) Methods for the movement of people without their own transportation.

    (F) Identification of particular areas or facilities in the flood zones that will not require evacuation because of their location on high ground or similar circumstances.

    (G) Identification and development of special procedures for the evacuation and care of people from unique institutions.

    (H) Procedures for the perimeter and interior security of the area, including such things as passes, identification requirements, and antilooting patrols.

    (I) Procedures for the lifting of the evacuation and reentry of the area.

    (J) Details as to which organizations are responsible for the functions described in this paragraph and the material and personnel resources required.

    (3) It is the intent of the Legislature to encourage each agency that prepares emergency procedures to establish a procedure for their review every two years.

    (c) "Dam," as used in this section, has the same meaning as specified in Sections 6002, 6003, and 6004 of the Water Code.

    (d) Where both of the following conditions exist, the Office of Emergency Services may waive the requirement for an inundation map:

    (1) Where the effects of potential inundation in terms of death or personal injury, as determined through onsite inspection by the Office of Emergency Services in consultation with the affected local jurisdictions, can be ascertained without an inundation map.

    (2) Where adequate evacuation procedures can be developed without benefit of an inundation map.

    (e) If development should occur in any exempted area after a waiver has been granted, the local jurisdiction shall notify the Office of Emergency Services of that development. All waivers shall be reevaluated every two years by the Office of Emergency Services.

    (f) A notice may be posted at the offices of the county recorder, county assessor, and county planning agency that identifies the location of the map, and of any information received by the county subsequent to the receipt of the map regarding changes to inundation areas within the county.

(Amended by Stats. 2013, Ch. 352, Sec. 139. Effective September 26, 2013. Operative July 1, 2013, by Sec. 543 of Ch. 352.)