Section 84203.5.  

Latest version.
  • (a) In addition to any campaign statements required by this article, if a candidate or committee has made independent expenditures totaling one thousand dollars ($1,000) or more in a calendar year to support or oppose a candidate, a measure or qualification of a measure, it shall file independent expenditure reports at the same time, covering the same periods, and in the places where the candidate or committee would be required to file campaign statements under this article, as if it were formed or existing primarily to support or oppose the candidate or measure or qualification of the measure. No independent expenditure report need be filed to cover a period for which there has been no activity to report.

    (b) An independent expenditure report shall contain the following information:

    (1) The name, street address, and telephone number of the candidate or committee making the expenditure and of the committee's treasurer, and the number assigned to the committee by the Secretary of State.

    (2) If the report is related to a candidate, the full name of the candidate and the office and district for which the candidate seeks nomination or election. If the report is related to a measure or qualification of a measure, the number or letter of the measure, or if none has yet been assigned, a brief description of the subject matter of the measure, and the jurisdiction in which the measure is to be voted on or would be voted on if it qualified.

    (3) The total amount of expenditures related to the candidate or measure during the period covered by the report made to persons who have received less than one hundred dollars ($100).

    (4) The total amount of expenditures related to the candidate or measure during the period covered by the report made to persons who have received one hundred dollars ($100) or more.

    (5) For each person to whom an expenditure of one hundred dollars ($100) or more related to the candidate or measure has been made during the period covered by the report and for each person who has provided consideration for an expenditure of one hundred dollars ($100) or more during the period covered by the report:

    (A) His or her full name.

    (B) His or her street address.

    (C) If the person is a committee, the name of the committee, the number assigned to the committee by the Secretary of State, or if no number has been assigned, the full name and street address of the treasurer of the committee.

    (D) The date of the expenditure.

    (E) The amount of the expenditure.

    (F) A brief description of the consideration for which each expenditure was made and the value of the consideration if less than the total amount of the expenditure.

    (G) The cumulative amount of expenditures to such person.

    (6) A list of all the filing officers with whom the committee filed its most recent campaign statement.

    (c) Filing officers shall maintain paper reports filed pursuant to this section under the name of the candidate or measure supported or opposed by the independent expenditure.

(Amended by Stats. 2004, Ch. 483, Sec. 2. Effective January 1, 2005.)