Section 7085.1.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The governing board of the G-TEDA shall report to the department by October 1, 2008, and by that date every other year thereafter, on the activities of the G-TEDA in the previous two fiscal years and its plans for the current and following fiscal year. The biennial report shall include at least both of the following:

    (1) The progress the G-TEDA has made during the period covered by the report relative to its goals, objectives, and commitments set forth in its original application and the department's memorandum of understanding with the G-TEDA.

    (2) Identification of the previous two years' funding, including in-kind funding. The previous two years' funding levels shall be compared to the funding levels identified in its original application and the department's memorandum of understanding with the G-TEDA, and the amount identified in the previous year's biennial report. An explanation of any meaningful discrepancies in these amounts shall be provided.

    (b) A copy of the biennial report developed pursuant to subdivision (a) shall also be submitted to the legislative bodies of the local jurisdictions comprising the G-TEDA. The progress of the G-TEDA in meeting the goals, objectives, and commitments set forth in the original application and the memorandum of understanding with the department shall be reviewed at least biennially by these legislative bodies, either as part of the approval of the G-TEDA's annual work plan or separately, at the discretion of the legislative body.

    (c) (1) G-TEDAs designated prior to January 1, 2007, shall have until April 15, 2008, to update their benchmarks, goals, objectives, and funding levels for administering the G-TEDA program, in order to make them measurable and conducive to the successful completion of the economic development strategy. The local legislative body and the department shall approve the updated goals and objectives. The updated goals and objectives shall be included as an update to the existing memorandum of understanding between the G-TEDA and the department.

    (2) G-TEDAs that fail to obtain approved updated goals and objectives by April 15, 2008, shall be dedesignated effective July 1, 2008. The Director of Housing and Community Development shall provide notice of prospective dedesignation to the local government no later than May 1, 2008. The director may authorize up to two 60-calendar-day extensions, if the local government and G-TEDA are acting in good faith and the additional time would allow them to meet the requirements of this subdivision. Businesses located within a G-TEDA that have been dedesignated shall continue to have access to tax incentives previously authorized within the G-TEDA pursuant to Section 7082.2.

    (3) G-TEDAs designated prior to January 1, 2007, are not required to implement the biennial reporting requirements of subdivisions (a) and (b) until October 1, 2009.

    (4) G-TEDAs that expire prior to January 1, 2010, are not required to meet the conditions of this subdivision.

    (d) The department shall biennially make available to the Legislature information related to the progress that each G-TEDA is making toward implementing its goals, objectives, and commitments set forth in the original application, the department's memorandum of understanding with the G-TEDA, and the biennial report.

(Amended by Stats. 2007, Ch. 130, Sec. 108. Effective January 1, 2008. Repealed as of January 1, 2014, pursuant to Section 7090.)