Section 65584.01.  

Latest version.
  • (a) For the fourth and subsequent revision of the housing element pursuant to Section 65588, the department, in consultation with each council of governments, where applicable, shall determine the existing and projected need for housing for each region in the following manner:

    (b) The department's determination shall be based upon population projections produced by the Department of Finance and regional population forecasts used in preparing regional transportation plans, in consultation with each council of governments. If the total regional population forecast for the planning period, developed by the council of governments and used for the preparation of the regional transportation plan, is within a range of 3 percent of the total regional population forecast for the planning period over the same time period by the Department of Finance, then the population forecast developed by the council of governments shall be the basis from which the department determines the existing and projected need for housing in the region. If the difference between the total population growth projected by the council of governments and the total population growth projected for the region by the Department of Finance is greater than 3 percent, then the department and the council of governments shall meet to discuss variances in methodology used for population projections and seek agreement on a population projection for the region to be used as a basis for determining the existing and projected housing need for the region. If no agreement is reached, then the population projection for the region shall be the population projection for the region prepared by the Department of Finance as may be modified by the department as a result of discussions with the council of governments.

    (c) (1) At least 26 months prior to the scheduled revision pursuant to Section 65588 and prior to developing the existing and projected housing need for a region, the department shall meet and consult with the council of governments regarding the assumptions and methodology to be used by the department to determine the region's housing needs. The council of governments shall provide data assumptions from the council's projections, including, if available, the following data for the region:

    (A) Anticipated household growth associated with projected population increases.

    (B) Household size data and trends in household size.

    (C) The rate of household formation, or headship rates, based on age, gender, ethnicity, or other established demographic measures.

    (D) The vacancy rates in existing housing stock, and the vacancy rates for healthy housing market functioning and regional mobility, as well as housing replacement needs.

    (E) Other characteristics of the composition of the projected population.

    (F) The relationship between jobs and housing, including any imbalance between jobs and housing.

    (2) The department may accept or reject the information provided by the council of governments or modify its own assumptions or methodology based on this information. After consultation with the council of governments, the department shall make determinations in writing on the assumptions for each of the factors listed in subparagraphs (A) to (F), inclusive, of paragraph (1) and the methodology it shall use and shall provide these determinations to the council of governments.

    (d) (1) After consultation with the council of governments, the department shall make a determination of the region's existing and projected housing need based upon the assumptions and methodology determined pursuant to subdivision (c). The region's existing and projected housing need shall reflect the achievement of a feasible balance between jobs and housing within the region using the regional employment projections in the applicable regional transportation plan. Within 30 days following notice of the determination from the department, the council of governments may file an objection to the department's determination of the region's existing and projected housing need with the department.

    (2) The objection shall be based on and substantiate either of the following:

    (A) The department failed to base its determination on the population projection for the region established pursuant to subdivision (b), and shall identify the population projection which the council of governments believes should instead be used for the determination and explain the basis for its rationale.

    (B) The regional housing need determined by the department is not a reasonable application of the methodology and assumptions determined pursuant to subdivision (c). The objection shall include a proposed alternative determination of its regional housing need based upon the determinations made in subdivision (c), including analysis of why the proposed alternative would be a more reasonable application of the methodology and assumptions determined pursuant to subdivision (c).

    (3) If a council of governments files an objection pursuant to this subdivision and includes with the objection a proposed alternative determination of its regional housing need, it shall also include documentation of its basis for the alternative determination. Within 45 days of receiving an objection filed pursuant to this section, the department shall consider the objection and make a final written determination of the region's existing and projected housing need that includes an explanation of the information upon which the determination was made.

(Amended by Stats. 2008, Ch. 728, Sec. 8. Effective January 1, 2009.)