Section 6531.5.  

Latest version.
  • (a) There is hereby created the California In-Home Supportive Services Authority, hereafter referred to as the Statewide Authority. Notwithstanding any other law, the Statewide Authority shall be deemed a joint powers authority created pursuant to this article and is a public entity separate and apart from the parties that have appointing power to the Statewide Authority or the employers of those individuals so appointed. Notwithstanding the requirements of this article, an agreement shall not be required to create the Statewide Authority.

    (b) The Statewide Authority shall consist of the following five members:

    (1) Two members shall be county officials who are appointed by, and who serve at the pleasure of, the Governor.

    (2) Three members shall be the Director of Social Services, the Director of Health Care Services, and the Director of Finance in their ex officio capacities, or their duly appointed representatives.

    (c) The members of the Statewide Authority shall serve without compensation.

    (d) The Statewide Authority shall not be subject to Sections 6501, 6505, and 53051.

    (e) The Statewide Authority shall appoint an advisory committee that shall be comprised of not more than 13 individuals. No less than 50 percent of the membership of the advisory committee shall be individuals who are current or past users of personal assistance services paid for through public or private funds or recipients of in-home supportive services.

    (1) At least two members of the advisory committee shall be a current or former provider of in-home supportive services.

    (2) Individuals who represent organizations that advocate for people with disabilities or seniors may be appointed to the advisory committee.

    (3) Individuals from each representative organization that are designated representatives of IHSS providers shall be appointed to the advisory committee.

    (4) The Statewide Authority shall designate a department employee to provide ongoing advice and support to the advisory committee.

    (f) Prior to the appointment of members to a committee authorized by subdivision (e), the Statewide Authority shall solicit recommendations for qualified members through a fair and open process that includes the provision of reasonable written notice to, and reasonable response time by, members of the general public and interested persons and organizations.

    (g) The advisory committee established pursuant to subdivision (e) shall provide ongoing advice and recommendations regarding in-home supportive services to the Statewide Authority, the State Department of Social Services, and the State Department of Health Care Services.

(Amended by Stats. 2012, Ch. 439, Sec. 3. Effective September 22, 2012. Conditionally inoperative as prescribed by Stats. 2013, Ch. 37, Sec. 34.)