Section 65088.1.  

Latest version.
  • As used in this chapter the following terms have the following meanings:

    (a) Unless the context requires otherwise, "regional agency" means the agency responsible for preparation of the regional transportation improvement program.

    (b) Unless the context requires otherwise, "agency" means the agency responsible for the preparation and adoption of the congestion management program.

    (c) "Commission" means the California Transportation Commission.

    (d) "Department" means the Department of Transportation.

    (e) "Local jurisdiction" means a city, a county, or a city and county.

    (f) "Parking cash-out program" means an employer-funded program under which an employer offers to provide a cash allowance to an employee equivalent to the parking subsidy that the employer would otherwise pay to provide the employee with a parking space. "Parking subsidy" means the difference between the out-of-pocket amount paid by an employer on a regular basis in order to secure the availability of an employee parking space not owned by the employer and the price, if any, charged to an employee for use of that space.

    A parking cash-out program may include a requirement that employee participants certify that they will comply with guidelines established by the employer designed to avoid neighborhood parking problems, with a provision that employees not complying with the guidelines will no longer be eligible for the parking cash-out program.

    (g) "Infill opportunity zone" means a specific area designated by a city or county, pursuant to subdivision (c) of Section 65088.4, zoned for new compact residential or mixed use development within one-third mile of a site with an existing or future rail transit station, a ferry terminal served by either a bus or rail transit service, an intersection of at least two major bus routes, or within 300 feet of a bus rapid transit corridor, in counties with a population over 400,000. The mixed use development zoning shall consist of three or more land uses that facilitate significant human interaction in close proximity, with residential use as the primary land use supported by other land uses such as office, hotel, health care, hospital, entertainment, restaurant, retail, and service uses. The transit service shall have maximum scheduled headways of 15 minutes for at least 5 hours per day. A qualifying future rail station shall have broken ground on construction of the station and programmed operational funds to provide maximum scheduled headways of 15 minutes for at least 5 hours per day.

    (h) "Interregional travel" means any trips that originate outside the boundary of the agency. A "trip" means a one-direction vehicle movement. The origin of any trip is the starting point of that trip. A roundtrip consists of two individual trips.

    (i) "Level of service standard" is a threshold that defines a deficiency on the congestion management program highway and roadway system which requires the preparation of a deficiency plan. It is the intent of the Legislature that the agency shall use all elements of the program to implement strategies and actions that avoid the creation of deficiencies and to improve multimodal mobility.

    (j) "Multimodal" means the utilization of all available modes of travel that enhance the movement of people and goods, including, but not limited to, highway, transit, nonmotorized, and demand management strategies including, but not limited to, telecommuting. The availability and practicality of specific multimodal systems, projects, and strategies may vary by county and region in accordance with the size and complexity of different urbanized areas.

    (k) "Performance measure" is an analytical planning tool that is used to quantitatively evaluate transportation improvements and to assist in determining effective implementation actions, considering all modes and strategies. Use of a performance measure as part of the program does not trigger the requirement for the preparation of deficiency plans.

    (l) "Urbanized area" has the same meaning as is defined in the 1990 federal census for urbanized areas of more than 50,000 population.

    (m) "Bus rapid transit corridor" means a bus service that includes at least four of the following attributes:

    (1) Coordination with land use planning.

    (2) Exclusive right-of-way.

    (3) Improved passenger boarding facilities.

    (4) Limited stops.

    (5) Passenger boarding at the same height as the bus.

    (6) Prepaid fares.

    (7) Real-time passenger information.

    (8) Traffic priority at intersections.

    (9) Signal priority.

    (10) Unique vehicles.

(Amended by Stats. 2002, Ch. 505, Sec. 2. Effective January 1, 2003.)