Section 63048.65.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Upon a filing by the Director of Finance with the bank of a list of designated tribal compacts and the specific portions of the compact assets to be sold, the bank may sell for, and on behalf of, the state, solely as its agent, those specific portions of the compact assets to a special purpose trust. To that end, a special purpose trust is hereby established as a not-for-profit corporation solely for that purpose and for the purposes necessarily incidental thereto. The bank may enter into one or more sales agreements with the special purpose trust on terms it deems appropriate, which may include covenants of, and binding on, the state necessary to establish and maintain the security of the bonds and exemption of interest on the bonds from federal income taxation. The portion of the compact assets to be sold shall be an amount or amounts determined by the Director of Finance that are necessary to provide the state with net proceeds of the sale, not to exceed one billion five hundred million dollars ($1,500,000,000), exclusive of capitalized interest on the bonds and any costs incurred by the bank or the special purpose trust in implementing this article, including, but not limited to, the cost of financing one or more reserve funds, any credit enhancements, costs incurred in the issuance of bonds, and operating expenses. Those specific portions of the compact assets may be sold at one time or from time to time.

    (b) The special purpose trust may issue bonds, including, but not limited to, refunding bonds, on the terms it shall determine, and do all things contemplated by, and authorized by, this division with respect to the bank, and enjoy all rights, privileges, and immunities the bank enjoys pursuant to this division, or as authorized by Section 5140 of the Corporations Code with respect to public benefit nonprofit corporations, or as necessary or appropriate in connection with the issuance of bonds, and may enter into agreements with any public or private entity and pledge the compact assets that it purchased as collateral and security for its bonds. However, to the extent of any conflict between any of the foregoing and the provisions of this article, the provisions of this article shall control. The pledge of any of these assets and of any revenues, reserves, and earnings pledged in connection with these assets shall be valid and binding in accordance with its terms from the time the pledge is made, and amounts so pledged and thereafter received shall immediately be subject to the lien of the pledge without the need for physical delivery, recordation, filing, or other further act. The special purpose trust, and its assets and income, and bonds issued by the special purpose trust, and their transfer and the income therefrom, shall be exempt from all taxation by the state and by its political subdivisions.

    (c) (1) The net proceeds of the sale of compact assets by the bank shall be deposited in the following order:

    (A) One billion two hundred million dollars ($1,200,000,000) plus any interest due pursuant to paragraph (3) of subdivision (c) of Section 14556.8, to the Traffic Congestion Relief Fund for the purpose of funding or reimbursing the cost of projects, programs, and activities permitted and necessary to be funded by that fund in accordance with applicable law, and to repay loans made from the State Highway Account and the Public Transportation Account to the Traffic Congestion Relief Fund pursuant to Section 14556.8, in the following priority order:

    (i) Transfer of four hundred forty-three million dollars ($443,000,000) plus any interest due pursuant to paragraph (3) of subdivision (c) of Section 14556.8, to the State Highway Account for project expenditures.

    (ii) Two hundred ninety million dollars ($290,000,000) for allocation to Traffic Congestion Relief Program projects.

    (iii) Two hundred seventy-five million dollars ($275,000,000) to the Public Transportation Account for project expenditures.

    (iv) All remaining funds for allocation to Traffic Congestion Relief Program projects.

    (B) To the Transportation Deferred Investment Fund, an amount up to the outstanding amount of the suspension of the 2004–05 fiscal year transfer of the sales tax on gasoline to the Transportation Investment Fund pursuant to requirements of Article XIX B of the California Constitution.

    (C) To the Transportation Deferred Investment Fund, an amount up to the outstanding amount of the suspension of the 2003–04 fiscal year transfer of the sales tax on gasoline to the Transportation Investment Fund pursuant to requirements of Article XIX B of the California Constitution.

    (2) Notwithstanding paragraph (1), if and to the extent it is necessary to ensure to the maximum extent practicable the eligibility for exclusion from taxation under the federal Internal Revenue Code of interest on the bonds to be issued by the special purpose trust, the Director of Finance may adjust the application of proceeds not eligible for exclusion from taxation among the authorized funds described in paragraph (1). The Department of Finance shall submit a report to the Legislature describing any proposed changes among the authorized funds in paragraph (1), and consistent with this paragraph, at least 30 days prior to issuing the bonds pursuant to this article. Amounts deposited in the Traffic Congestion Relief Fund pursuant to paragraph (1) shall be applied as a credit to transfers from the General Fund that the Controller would otherwise be required to make to that fund. Amounts deposited in the Transportation Deferred Investment Fund shall be expended in conformance with Sections 7105 and 7106 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, and the amounts so deposited shall also be applied as a credit to the transfers from the General Fund that the Controller would otherwise be required to make under those sections. The Legislature hereby finds and declares that the deposits and credits described in this subdivision do not constitute the use of the proceeds of bonds or other indebtedness to pay a yearend State Budget deficit as prohibited by subdivision (c) of Section 1.3 of Article XVI of the California Constitution. Subject to any constitutional limitation, the use and application of the proceeds of any sale of compact assets or bonds shall not in any way affect the legality or validity of that sale or those bonds.

    (d) Funds received from amended tribal-state compacts, or new compacts entered into and ratified on or after the effective date of this article, pursuant to Section 4.3.1 of the amended compacts, or the comparable section in new compacts, as specified in those compacts, that are neither sold to the special purpose trust nor otherwise appropriated, and funds received as a result of the state's acquisition of an ownership interest in any residual interest in compact assets attributable to Section 4.3.1 of the amended compacts, or the comparable section in new compacts, as specified in those compacts, shall be remitted to the California Gambling Control Commission for deposit in the General Fund.

    (e) Funds received from amended tribal-state compacts, or new compacts entered into and ratified on or after the effective date of this article, pursuant to Section 4.3.3 of the amended compacts, or the comparable section in new compacts, as specified in those compacts, shall be held in an account within the Special Deposit Fund until those funds are sold or otherwise applied pursuant to this subdivision. From time to time, at the direction of the Director of Finance, any moneys in this account shall be deposited and applied in accordance with subdivision (c) or shall be deemed to be compact assets for purposes of sale to the special purpose trust pursuant to this article. If the Director of Finance determines that the bonds authorized pursuant to this article cannot be successfully issued by the special purpose trust, funds within the account shall be deposited in accordance with subdivision (c). In addition, all subsequent revenues remitted pursuant to Section 4.3.3 of the amended compacts, or the comparable section in new compacts, as specified in those compacts, and funds received as a result of the state's acquisition of an ownership interest in any residual interest in compact assets attributable to Section 4.3.3 of the amended compacts, or the comparable section in new compacts, as specified in those compacts, shall be used to satisfy the purposes of subdivision (c). When the amounts described in subdivision (c) have been paid to the funds named in that subdivision either pursuant to this article or by other appropriations or transfers, thereafter the revenues received by the state from Section 4.3.3 of the compact shall be remitted to the California Gambling Control Commission for deposit in the General Fund.

    (f) The principal office of the special purpose trust shall be located in the County of Sacramento. The articles of incorporation of the special purpose trust shall be prepared and filed, on behalf of the state, with the Secretary of State by the bank. The members of the board of directors of the bank as of the effective date of this article, the Director of the Department of Transportation, and the Director of General Services, shall each serve ex officio as the directors of the special purpose trust. Any of these directors may name a designee to act on his or her behalf as a director of the special purpose trust. The Director of Finance or his or her designee shall serve as chair of the special purpose trust. Directors of the special purpose trust shall not be subject to personal liability for carrying out the powers and duties conferred by this article. The Legislature hereby finds and declares that the duties and responsibilities of the directors of the special purpose trust and the duties and responsibilities of the Director of Finance established under this article are within the scope of the primary duties of those persons in their official capacities. The special purpose trust shall be treated as a separate legal entity with its separate corporate purpose as described in this article, and the assets, liabilities, and funds of the special purpose trust shall be neither consolidated nor commingled with those of the bank.

(Amended by Stats. 2006, Ch. 56, Sec. 3. Effective July 7, 2006.)