Section 57133.  

Latest version.
  • The question or questions to be submitted at any special election or elections called pursuant to this part shall be in substantially the following form:

    (a) For an incorporation: "Shall the order adopted on ____, 20 __, by the Local Agency Formation Commission of ____ County ordering the incorporation of the territory described in the order and designated in the order as ____ (insert the distinct short form designation previously assigned by the commission) be confirmed?"

    (b) For an annexation: "Shall the order adopted on ____, 20 __, by the ____ (insert Local Agency Formation Commission) ordering the annexation to ____ (insert city or district) of the territory described in that order and designated as ____ (insert the short form designation previously assigned by the commission) be confirmed?"

    (c) For a detachment: "Shall the order adopted on ____, 20 __, by the ____ (insert Local Agency Formation Commission) ordering the detachment from the ____ (insert city or district) of the territory described in the order and designated in the order as ____ (insert the short form designation previously assigned by the commission) be confirmed?"

    (d) For a city consolidation: "Shall the order adopted on ____, 20 __, by the ____ (insert Local Agency Formation Commission) of the County of ____ (insert name of city) ordering the consolidation of the Cities of ____ (insert names of all cities ordered consolidated) into a single city known as the City of ____ be confirmed?"

    (e) For a disincorporation: "Shall the order adopted on ____, 20 __, by the Local Agency Formation Commission of the County of ____ ordering the disincorporation of the City of ____ be confirmed?"

    (f) For a reorganization: "Shall the order adopted on ____, 20 __, by the ____ (insert Local Agency Formation Commission) ordering a reorganization affecting the ____ (insert names of all affected cities or districts) and providing for ____ (insert list of all changes of organization or new cities proposed to be incorporated or districts to be formed) be confirmed?"

    (g) For a district dissolution: "Shall the order adopted on ____, 20 __, by the Local Agency Formation Commission of the County of ____ ordering the dissolution of the ____ district be confirmed?"

    (h) For a district consolidation: "Shall the order adopted on ____, 20 __, by the Local Agency Formation Commission of the County of ____ ordering the consolidation of ____ (insert the names of all districts ordered consolidated) into a single district known as the ____ District be confirmed?"

    (i) For a merger: "Shall the order adopted on ____, 20 __, by the Local Agency Formation Commission of the County of ____ ordering the merger of the ____ District with the City of ____ be confirmed?"

    (j) For establishment of a subsidiary district: "Shall the order adopted on ____, 20 __, by the Local Agency Formation Commission of the County of ____ ordering the ____ District established as a subsidiary district of the City of ____ be confirmed?"

    (k) For a district formation, use form of question under principal act of district being formed. If none, use substantially the following form: "Shall the order adopted on ____, 20 __, by the Local Agency Formation Commission of ____ County ordering the formation of a district in the territory described, known as ____, be approved?"

(Amended by Stats. 2000, Ch. 761, Sec. 261. Effective January 1, 2001.)