Section 56853.5.  

Latest version.
  • (a) In the case of an expedited reorganization, notwithstanding any provision of this division or the Community Services District Law (Division 3 (commencing with Section 61000) of Title 6), unless the governing body of the subject agency files a resolution of objection with the commission before the close of the hearing held pursuant to Section 56666, the commission may approve, disapprove, or conditionally approve, the expedited reorganization. If the commission approves or conditionally approves the expedited reorganization, the commission shall order the expedited reorganization without an election.

    (b) If the governing body of the subject agency files a resolution of objection with the commission before the close of the hearing held pursuant to Section 56666, the commission shall disapprove the proposed expedited reorganization.

    (c) The commission may order any material change to the terms and conditions of the expedited reorganization set forth in the proposal. The commission shall direct the executive officer to give the subject agency mailed notice of any change prior to ordering a change. The commission shall not, without the written consent of the subject agency, take any further action on the expedited reorganization for 30 days following that mailing.

    (d) A proposal for an expedited reorganization shall include proposed terms and conditions that shall include at least all of the following:

    (1) The proposed community services district is declared to be, and shall be deemed a community services district as if the district had been formed pursuant to the Community Services District Law (Division 3 (commencing with Section 61000) of Title 6). The exterior boundary and sphere of influence of the proposed community services district shall be the exterior boundary and sphere of influence of the district proposed to be dissolved.

    (2) The proposed community services district succeeds to, and is vested with, the same powers, duties, responsibilities, obligations, liabilities, and jurisdiction of the district proposed to be dissolved.

    (3) The status, position, and rights of any officer or employee of the district proposed to be dissolved shall not be affected by the transfer and shall be retained by the person as an officer or employee of the proposed community services district.

    (4) The proposed community services district shall have ownership, possession, and control of all books, records, papers, offices, equipment, supplies, moneys, funds, appropriations, licenses, permits, entitlements, agreements, contracts, claims, judgments, land, and other assets and property, real or personal, owned or leased by, connected with the administration of, or held for the benefit or use of, the district proposed to be dissolved.

    (5) The unexpended balance as of the effective date of the expedited reorganization of any funds available for use by the district proposed to be dissolved shall be available for use by the proposed community services district.

    (6) No payment for the use, or right of use, of any property, real or personal, acquired or constructed by the district proposed to be dissolved shall be required by reason of the succession pursuant to the expedited reorganization, nor shall any payment for the proposed community services district's acquisition of the powers, duties, responsibilities, obligations, liabilities, and jurisdiction be required by reason of that succession.

    (7) All ordinances, rules, and regulations adopted by the district proposed to be dissolved in effect immediately preceding the effective date of the expedited reorganization, shall remain in effect and shall be fully enforceable unless amended or repealed by the proposed community services district, or until they expire by their own terms. Any statute, law, rule, or regulation in force as of the effective date of the expedited reorganization, or that may be enacted or adopted with reference to the district proposed to be dissolved shall mean the proposed community services district.

    (8) All allocations of shares of property tax revenue pursuant to Part 0.5 (commencing with Section 50) of the Revenue and Taxation Code, special taxes, benefit assessments, fees, charges, or any other impositions of the district proposed to be dissolved shall remain in effect unless amended or repealed by the proposed community services district, or they expire by their own terms.

    (9) The appropriations limit established pursuant to Division 9 (commencing with Section 7900) of Title 1 of the district proposed to be dissolved shall be the appropriations limit of the proposed community services district.

    (10) Any action by or against the district proposed to be dissolved shall not abate, but shall continue in the name of the proposed community services district, and the proposed community services district shall be substituted for the district proposed to be dissolved by the court in which the action is pending. The substitution shall not in any way affect the rights of the parties to the action.

    (11) No contract, lease, license, permit, entitlement, bond, or any other agreement to which the district proposed to be dissolved is a party shall be void or voidable by reason of the enactment of the expedited reorganization, but shall continue in effect, with the proposed community services district assuming all of the rights, obligations, liabilities, and duties of the district proposed to be dissolved.

    (12) Any obligations, including, but not limited to, bonds and other indebtedness, of the district proposed to be dissolved shall be the obligations of the proposed community services district. Any continuing obligations or responsibilities of the district proposed to be dissolved for managing and maintaining bond issuances shall be transferred to the proposed community services district without impairment to any security contained in the bond instrument.

    (e) If a board of supervisors is the governing body of a resort improvement district pursuant to Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 13000) of Division 11 of the Public Resources Code, then, notwithstanding paragraph (3) of subdivision (d), the proposed terms and conditions may provide for the election of an initial board of directors of a community services district pursuant to Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 61020) of Part 2 of Division 3 of Title 6.

    (f) As used in this section, "expedited reorganization" means a reorganization that consists solely of the formation of a community services district and the dissolution of any of the following:

    (1) A resort improvement district formed pursuant to the Resort Improvement District Law, Division 11 (commencing with Section 13000) of the Public Resources Code.

    (2) The Montalvo Municipal Improvement District formed pursuant to Chapter 549 of the Statutes of 1955.

    (3) The Bethel Island Municipal Improvement District formed pursuant to Chapter 22 of the Statutes of 1960.

    (4) The Embarcadero Municipal Improvement District formed pursuant to Chapter 81 of the Statutes of 1960.

    (g) This section shall remain in effect only until January 1, 2018, and as of that date is repealed, unless a later statute which is enacted before January 1, 2018, deletes or extends that date.

(Added by Stats. 2010, Ch. 68, Sec. 1. Effective January 1, 2011. Repealed as of January 1, 2018, by its own provisions.)