Section 56385.  

Latest version.
  • The commission may contract for retirement benefits for the executive officer or staff personnel pursuant to the County Employees Retirement Law of 1937, Chapter 3 (commencing with Section 31450) of Part 3 of Division 4 of Title 3 or the Public Employees' Retirement Law, Part 3 (commencing with Section 20000) of Division 5 of Title 2. It may also provide for health and medical benefits.

    The commission shall preserve accrued vacation, sick leave, compensatory time, and retirement benefits of persons hired from within the employment of their respective county.

(Repealed and added by Stats. 1985, Ch. 541, Sec. 3. Effective September 9, 1985. Operative January 1, 1986, by Sec. 5 of Ch. 541.)