Section 53663.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Each agent of depository shall report in writing to the administrator within two business days after any withdrawal, substitution or addition of pooled securities and shall state the name and market value of the securities withdrawn, substituted or added together with the total deposits then secured by the pool. This information shall be available from the administrator to the treasurer upon request.

    (b) Each depository shall report in writing to the administrator weekly, giving the total amount of all deposits held by such depository pursuant to this article. Such report shall be as of close of business on Wednesday of each week and shall be delivered to the office of the administrator or deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the office of the administrator, within five business days. Where there has occurred no change in the deposits required to be held by the depository pursuant to this article, the report required by this subdivision need only state that fact.

(Amended by Stats. 1982, Ch. 844, Sec. 3.)