Section 4216.  

Latest version.
  • As used in this article the following definitions apply:

    (a) "Approximate location of subsurface installations" means a strip of land not more than 24 inches on either side of the exterior surface of the subsurface installation. "Approximate location" does not mean depth.

    (b) "Excavation" means any operation in which earth, rock, or other material in the ground is moved, removed, or otherwise displaced by means of tools, equipment, or explosives in any of the following ways: grading, trenching, digging, ditching, drilling, augering, tunneling, scraping, cable or pipe plowing and driving, or any other way.

    (c) Except as provided in Section 4216.8, "excavator" means any person, firm, contractor or subcontractor, owner, operator, utility, association, corporation, partnership, business trust, public agency, or other entity that, with their, or his or her, own employees or equipment performs any excavation.

    (d) "Emergency" means a sudden, unexpected occurrence, involving a clear and imminent danger, demanding immediate action to prevent or mitigate loss of, or damage to, life, health, property, or essential public services. "Unexpected occurrence" includes, but is not limited to, fires, floods, earthquakes or other soil or geologic movements, riots, accidents, damage to a subsurface installation requiring immediate repair, or sabotage.

    (e) "High priority subsurface installation" means high-pressure natural gas pipelines with normal operating pressures greater than 415kPA gauge (60psig), petroleum pipelines, pressurized sewage pipelines, high-voltage electric supply lines, conductors, or cables that have a potential to ground of greater than or equal to 60kv, or hazardous materials pipelines that are potentially hazardous to workers or the public if damaged.

    (f) "Inquiry identification number" means the number that is provided by a regional notification center to every person who contacts the center pursuant to Section 4216.2. The inquiry identification number shall remain valid for not more than 28 calendar days from the date of issuance, and after that date shall require regional notification center revalidation.

    (g) "Local agency" means a city, county, city and county, school district, or special district.

    (h) "Operator" means any person, corporation, partnership, business trust, public agency, or other entity that owns, operates, or maintains a subsurface installation. For purposes of Section 4216.1, an "operator" does not include an owner of real property where subsurface facilities are exclusively located if they are used exclusively to furnish services on that property and the subsurface facilities are under the operation and control of that owner.

    (i) "Qualified person" means a person who completes a training program in accordance with the requirements of Title 8, California Code of Regulations, Section 1509, Injury Prevention Program, that meets the minimum training guidelines and practices of Common Ground Alliance current Best Practices.

    (j) "Regional notification center" means a nonprofit association or other organization of operators of subsurface installations that provides advance warning of excavations or other work close to existing subsurface installations, for the purpose of protecting those installations from damage, removal, relocation, or repair.

    (k) "State agency" means every state agency, department, division, bureau, board, or commission.

    (l) "Subsurface installation" means any underground pipeline, conduit, duct, wire, or other structure, except nonpressurized sewerlines, nonpressurized storm drains, or other nonpressurized drain lines.

(Amended by Stats. 2007, Ch. 343, Sec. 5. Effective January 1, 2008.)