Section 3501.  

Latest version.
  • As used in this chapter:

    (a) "Employee organization" means either of the following:

    (1) Any organization that includes employees of a public agency and that has as one of its primary purposes representing those employees in their relations with that public agency.

    (2) Any organization that seeks to represent employees of a public agency in their relations with that public agency.

    (b) "Recognized employee organization" means an employee organization which has been formally acknowledged by the public agency as an employee organization that represents employees of the public agency.

    (c) Except as otherwise provided in this subdivision, "public agency" means every governmental subdivision, every district, every public and quasi-public corporation, every public agency and public service corporation and every town, city, county, city and county and municipal corporation, whether incorporated or not and whether chartered or not. As used in this chapter, "public agency" does not mean a school district or a county board of education or a county superintendent of schools or a personnel commission in a school district having a merit system as provided in Chapter 5 (commencing with Section 45100) of Part 25 and Chapter 4 (commencing with Section 88000) of Part 51 of the Education Code or the State of California.

    (d) "Public employee" means any person employed by any public agency, including employees of the fire departments and fire services of counties, cities, cities and counties, districts, and other political subdivisions of the state, excepting those persons elected by popular vote or appointed to office by the Governor of this state.

    (e) "Mediation" means effort by an impartial third party to assist in reconciling a dispute regarding wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment between representatives of the public agency and the recognized employee organization or recognized employee organizations through interpretation, suggestion and advice.

    (f) "Board" means the Public Employment Relations Board established pursuant to Section 3541.

(Amended by Stats. 2003, Ch. 215, Sec. 2. Effective January 1, 2004.)