Section 31653.  

Latest version.
  • Notwithstanding the provisions of this article, the governing board of the county or district may elect to contribute for any member of this system who is absent from and reenters the service of the county or district pursuant to Section 31649 of this code, amounts equal to the contributions which would have been made by the member and his employer to the system on the basis of his compensation earnable at the commencement of his absence, if he had not been so absent.

    If the governing board elects to make any member's contributions pursuant to this section:

    (a) Any such member who exercises or did exercise the right to contribute to the system during the period of military service shall have such contributions refunded or credited to his account.

    (b) Any such member who withdraws or has withdrawn his accumulated contributions during his military service and who does not or did not redeposit the amount withdrawn upon his return to employment with the county or district is entitled to be credited with any contribution the governing board elects to make, and to receive credit for service during the period he was absent on military service, the same as if he had not withdrawn his accumulated contributions, and his rate for future contributions shall be based upon his age at the commencement of his absence on military service.

    (c) The contributions made by the governing board pursuant to this section shall be available only for the purpose of retirement for service or for disability, and shall be made available only for the purpose of retirement, and a member resigning from the service of the county or district after reinstatement from military service shall be entitled to withdraw only that portion of his accumulated contributions personally made by him.

    (d) This section shall be retroactively applied to extend its benefits to such members of this system as the governing board may determine whose absence from county service on military service commenced on or after September 16, 1940, and who return or have returned to this service upon the termination of their military service.

(Amended by Stats. 1969, Ch. 978.)