Section 31498.3.  

Latest version.
  • (a) General members may, within 180 days of the effective date of this article, elect to transfer to the retirement plan created by this article upon proper application executed by the member and filed with the board.

    (b) The retirement benefits of the transferred members are governed and defined by this article.

    (c) Transferring members relinquish and waive any and all previously available vested or accrued retirement, survivor, disability and death benefits. However, notwithstanding any other provision of this article, a transferring member shall receive credit for no more than 24 months of public service performed prior to December 31, 1969, including service with the employer, military service, and any other public service to which the member would otherwise be eligible under this chapter, except that member contributions shall not be collected.

    (d) The transfer by the member is voluntary, and shall be irrevocable, unless the board of supervisors, by resolution, authorizes Retirement Plan 3 members to transfer to Retirement Plan 2, under terms and conditions specified in the resolution. These terms may include, but are not limited to, an eligibility provision based on the number of years in county service, a provision for crediting service in Retirement Plan 2 only for that service rendered after adoption of the resolution, or an eligibility provision allowing members to transfer to Retirement Plan 2 all county service rendered under Retirement Plan 3 provided the member deposits into the retirement fund within a specified time an amount equal to the contributions he or she would have made during that time, had he or she been a member of Retirement Plan 2, together with regular interest on that amount. The resolution may establish different conditions for different job classifications or groups, and for represented bargaining units, conditions mutually agreed upon by the employer and the employee representative. The board of supervisors may also establish any other conditions it deems necessary or desirable.

    (e) Any member who has elected or transferred to the plan created by this article and who terminates his or her employment and is later reemployed shall not be entitled to change his or her election upon that reemployment, unless a resolution, enacted by the board of supervisors subsequent to the member's election to transfer to the new plan, so provides.

(Amended by Stats. 1991, Ch. 344, Sec. 2. Effective August 6, 1991. Applicable as of March 1, 1991, pursuant to Sec. 3 of Ch. 344.)