Section 26639.6.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the marshal, sheriff, and all personnel of the marshal's office or personnel of the sheriff's office affected by a consolidation of court-related services and the service of civil and criminal process under this article shall become employees of that consolidated office at their existing or equivalent classifications, salaries, and benefits, and except as may be necessary for the operation of the agency under which court services and the service of civil and criminal process are consolidated, shall not be involuntarily transferred out of the consolidated office during a period of four years following the consolidation.

    (b) Permanent employees of the marshal's office or sheriff's office on the effective date of consolidation under this article shall be deemed qualified, and no other qualifications shall be required for employment or retention. Probationary employees of the marshal's office or the sheriff's office on the effective date of a consolidation under this article shall retain their probationary status and rights, and shall not be deemed to have transferred so as to require serving a new probationary period.

    (c) All county service or service by employees of the marshal's office or the sheriff's office on the effective date of a consolidation under this article shall be counted toward seniority in the consolidated office, and all time spent in the same, equivalent, or higher classification shall be counted toward classification seniority.

    (d) No employee of the marshal's office or the sheriff's office on the effective date of a consolidation under this article shall lose peace officer status, be demoted, or otherwise be adversely affected as a result of the consolidation.

(Added by Stats. 1996, Ch. 87, Sec. 1. Effective January 1, 1997. Repealed as of January 1, 2018, pursuant to Section 26639.7.)