Section 19057.4.  

Latest version.
  • Notwithstanding Section 19057, for positions in classes which are designated by the board as supervisory and not professional, scientific, or administrative, and are not examined for on an open basis, there shall be certified to the appointing power the names and addresses of all those eligible whose scores, at the time of certification, represent the highest rank on the employment list for the class, and who have indicated their willingness to accept appointment under the conditions of employment specified.

    For purposes of ranking, scores of eligible on employment lists for these classes shall be rounded to the nearest whole percent. A rank shall consist of one or more eligibles with the same whole percentage score.

    If the highest rank contains fewer than three eligibles, then the next highest rank shall be certified until a minimum of three eligibles willing to accept appointment under the conditions specified are certified. If fewer than three names of persons willing to accept appointment are on the list from which certification is to be made, then additional eligibles shall be certified from the various lists next lower in order of preference until three names are certified. If there are fewer than three names available for certification, and the appointing authority does not choose to appoint from among these, the appointing authority may demand certification of three names. In that case, examinations shall be conducted until at least three names may be certified by the procedure described in this section, and the appointing authority shall fill the position by appointment of one of the persons certified.

    Fractional examination scores shall be provided to, and utilized by, the California Highway Patrol for its peace officer classes.

(Added by Stats. 1990, Ch. 840, Sec. 2. Effective September 14, 1990. Applicable, by Sec. 5 of Ch. 840, to names certified on and after January 1, 1991.)