Section 16731.  

Latest version.
  • Whenever the committee determines that the sale of all or any part of the bonds authorized to be issued is necessary or desirable, it shall adopt a resolution to that effect. The resolution shall specify all of the following as to the bonds then to be sold:

    (a) The aggregate number, aggregate par value, denominations, and the date of the bonds to be then sold. The denominations shall be in the sum of twenty-five dollars ($25) or multiples of that sum. The date appearing on the bonds shall be deemed to be the date of issuance for all purposes of this chapter, irrespective of the actual date of delivery of the bonds and the payment of the purchase price of the bonds.

    (b) The dates of maturity and the amount of the bonds maturing at each date of maturity, which amounts need not be equal. The last dates of maturity shall be not more than 45 years after the date of the bonds.

    (c) Whether or not the bonds are to be subject to redemption or tender prior to maturity, and, if so, the provisions for the redemption or tender, the manner of the call or notice thereof, and the price or prices at which the bonds shall be subject to redemption or tender.

    (d) (1) (A) The annual rate, or rates, of interest that the bonds to be issued shall bear, which shall be in the increments determined by the Treasurer, but not in excess of 11 percent. The rate or rates may be determined at the time of the sale of the bonds.

    (B) As an alternative to subparagraph (A), the resolution may specify that the bonds may pay a variable interest rate or rates, as prescribed in the resolution, but not in excess of 11 percent per annum, and in accordance with the requirements of this subparagraph.

    (i) At the time and as the result of the issuance of any bonds bearing a variable interest rate, the aggregate principal amount of all state general obligation bonds bearing variable interest rates may not exceed 20 percent of the aggregate principal amount of all state general obligation bonds then outstanding.

    (ii) For purposes of the calculation made pursuant to clause (i), variable rate bonds shall not include commercial paper notes issued pursuant to Section 16731.6 or bonds that have an effective fixed interest rate through a hedging contract, as specified in subparagraph (C), but shall include bonds that have an effective variable interest rate through a hedging contract.

    (iii) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, if the committee decides to issue state general obligation bonds bearing variable interest rates, the committee is not required to comply with Section 16732.

    (iv) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, if bonds are issued bearing a variable interest rate under a bond act approved by the voters on or after January 1, 2002, and if the variable interest rate bonds provide a right of tender, then any amount payable by the state as a result of the tender with respect to principal of and interest on the bonds prior to the regularly scheduled principal or interest payment dates, or payable by the state pursuant to redemption or call initiated as a means to repay the obligation of the state resulting from the tender, is backed by the full faith and credit of the state and shall be payable under the bond act.

    (v) A contractual obligation of the state to repay advances and pay interest thereon under a credit enhancement or liquidity agreement entered into in connection with variable interest rate bonds providing a right of tender and issued under a bond act approved by the voters on or after January 1, 2002, shall be backed by the full faith and credit of the state and shall be payable under the bond act, except to the extent bond interest paid with an advance and interest on the advance would exceed the maximum interest rate specified in this subdivision.

    (C) For the purposes of clause (ii) of subparagraph (B), bonds that have an "effective fixed interest rate through a hedging contract" means bonds for which the Treasurer determines the hedging contract meets either of the following conditions:

    (i) Significantly reduces variable rate risk by providing changes in fair values or cashflows that substantially offset the changes in fair value or cashflows of the bonds.

    (ii) Qualifies for integration with the bonds in calculating the yield on the bonds under the rules prescribed in Section 148 of the United States Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. Sec. 148).

    (D) The Treasurer's determination specified in subparagraph (C) shall be made at the time the hedging contract is entered into and shall apply through the maturity of the bonds, unless the hedging contract is terminated prior to maturity.

    (2) (A) (i) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, for bonds approved by the voters after January 1, 2006, payment of any amounts owed by the state to a counterparty, after any offset for payments owed to the state on any hedging contract described in Section 5922 in connection with those bonds, shall be deemed to be included within the appropriation for interest on the bonds contained in the applicable bond act.

    (ii) The total payments of stated interest on the bonds together with payments owed by the state after any offset for payments owed to the state on a hedging contract shall not exceed the maximum interest rate set forth in this subdivision.

    (iii) To the extent payments of interest on a bond, together with payments on a hedging contract, would, in any fiscal year, exceed the maximum interest rate specified in this subdivision, the excess amounts may be paid in subsequent fiscal years, if the aggregate amount of interest and that excess amount paid in any year does not exceed the maximum interest rate specified in this subdivision.

    (B) The Treasurer may not enter into any hedging contract described by subparagraph (A) unless the committee has approved policies developed by the Treasurer relating to the entering into and managing of those hedging contracts that shall include both of the following:

    (i) A requirement that any hedging contract or program of contracts is designed to reduce the amount or duration of payment, currency, rate, spread, or similar risk or result in a lower cost of borrowing when used in combination with the issuance or carrying of bonds.

    (ii) A description of the criteria to be used to evaluate the potential risks and benefits to the state of entering into a particular hedging contract or program of contracts and to evaluate the performance of outstanding hedging contracts in comparison to the objectives for which the hedging contract was executed.

    (C) The policies approved pursuant to subparagraph (B) are exempt from the requirements of Chapter 3.5 (commencing with Section 11340) of Part 1 of Division 3.

    (e) The interest payment dates.

    (f) The technical form and language of the bonds.

    (g) Whether or not the right is reserved to make delivery in the form of temporary or interim bonds, certificates, or receipts, exchangeable for definitive bonds when executed and available for delivery. If the right is reserved, the denominations and form of the temporary securities shall be stated.

    (h) Provisions for the registration and exchange of bonds and for the use of a depository to hold book-entry bonds after issuance.

    (i) All other terms and conditions of the bonds and of the execution, issuance, and sale of the bonds, which shall be consistent with all of this chapter.

(Amended by Stats. 2011, Ch. 282, Sec. 1. Effective January 1, 2012.)