Section 13300.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The department shall devise, install, supervise, and, at its discretion, revise and modify, a modern and complete accounting system and policies for each agency of the state permitted or charged by law with the handling of public money or its equivalent, to the end that all revenues, expenditures, receipts, disbursements, resources, obligations, and property of the state be properly, accurately, and systematically accounted for and that there shall be obtained accurate and comparable records, reports, and statements of all the financial affairs of the state.

    (b) This system shall permit a comparison of budgeted expenditures, actual expenditures, encumbrances and payables, and estimated revenue to actual revenue that is compatible with a budget coding system developed by the department. In addition, the system shall provide for a federal revenue accounting system with cross-references of federal fund sources to state activities.

    (c) This system shall include a cost accounting system that accounts for expenditures by line item, governmental unit, and fund source. The system shall also be capable of performing program cost accounting as required. The system and the accounts maintained by all state departments and agencies shall be coordinated with the central accounts maintained by the Controller, and shall provide the Controller with all information necessary to the maintenance by the Controller of a comprehensive system of central accounts for the entire state government.

    (d) Beginning with the 2008–09 fiscal year, the Department of Finance, the Controller, the Treasurer, and the Department of General Services shall partner to design, develop, and implement the Financial Information System for California Project to meet the requirements of subdivisions (a), (b), and (c), and the FISCal Project documents, as established in the FISCal Special Project Report dated October 30, 2006, as revised on December 14, 2006, as amended by the FISCal Special Project Report dated November 9, 2007, as revised on December 19, 2007, and as amended, augmented, or changed by any subsequent approved Special Project Report.

(Amended by Stats. 2008, Ch. 751, Sec. 30. Effective September 30, 2008.)