Section 11125.4.  

Latest version.
  • (a) A special meeting may be called at any time by the presiding officer of the state body or by a majority of the members of the state body. A special meeting may only be called for one of the following purposes when compliance with the 10-day notice provisions of Section 11125 would impose a substantial hardship on the state body or when immediate action is required to protect the public interest:

    (1) To consider "pending litigation" as that term is defined in subdivision (e) of Section 11126.

    (2) To consider proposed legislation.

    (3) To consider issuance of a legal opinion.

    (4) To consider disciplinary action involving a state officer or employee.

    (5) To consider the purchase, sale, exchange, or lease of real property.

    (6) To consider license examinations and applications.

    (7) To consider an action on a loan or grant provided pursuant to Division 31 (commencing with Section 50000) of the Health and Safety Code.

    (8) To consider its response to a confidential final draft audit report as permitted by Section 11126.2.

    (9)  To provide for an interim executive officer of a state body upon the death, incapacity, or vacancy in the office of the executive officer.

    (b) When a special meeting is called pursuant to one of the purposes specified in subdivision (a), the state body shall provide notice of the special meeting to each member of the state body and to all parties that have requested notice of its meetings as soon as is practicable after the decision to call a special meeting has been made, but shall deliver the notice in a manner that allows it to be received by the members and by newspapers of general circulation and radio or television stations at least 48 hours before the time of the special meeting specified in the notice. Notice shall be made available to newspapers of general circulation and radio or television stations by providing that notice to all national press wire services. Notice shall also be made available on the Internet within the time periods required by this section. The notice shall specify the time and place of the special meeting and the business to be transacted. The written notice shall additionally specify the address of the Internet Web site where notices required by this article are made available. No other business shall be considered at a special meeting by the state body. The written notice may be dispensed with as to any member who at or prior to the time the meeting convenes files with the clerk or secretary of the state body a written waiver of notice. The waiver may be given by telegram, facsimile transmission, or similar means. The written notice may also be dispensed with as to any member who is actually present at the meeting at the time it convenes. Notice shall be required pursuant to this section regardless of whether any action is taken at the special meeting.

    (c) At the commencement of any special meeting, the state body must make a finding in open session that the delay necessitated by providing notice 10 days prior to a meeting as required by Section 11125 would cause a substantial hardship on the body or that immediate action is required to protect the public interest. The finding shall set forth the specific facts that constitute the hardship to the body or the impending harm to the public interest. The finding shall be adopted by a two-thirds vote of the body, or, if less than two-thirds of the members are present, a unanimous vote of those members present. The finding shall be made available on the Internet. Failure to adopt the finding terminates the meeting.

(Amended by Stats. 2007, Ch. 92, Sec. 1. Effective January 1, 2008.)