Section 10242.5.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The Legislative Counsel shall annually prepare, publish, and maintain an electronic list of all reports that state and local agencies are required or requested by law to prepare and file with the Governor or the Legislature, or both, in the future or within the preceding year. The list shall include all of the following information:

    (1) The name of the agency that is required or requested to prepare and file the report.

    (2) A brief description of the subject of the report.

    (3) The date on which the report is to be completed and filed.

    (4) The date on which the report was completed and filed.

    (b) Each list by the Legislative Counsel prepared pursuant to subdivision (a) shall be sent to each Member of the Legislature and shall be available to the public. The Legislative Counsel may charge a member of the public a fee that does not exceed the direct cost of printing the list.

    (c) Each state and local agency that is required or requested by law to prepare a report described in subdivision (a) shall file a printed copy of the report with the Legislative Counsel.

    (d) As used in this section:

    (1) "Agency" includes any city, county, special district, department, board, bureau, or commission, including any task force or other similar body that is created by statute or resolution. "Agency" does not include the University of California.

    (2) "Report" includes any study or audit.

    (e) (1) The Legislative Counsel shall update the list required by subdivision (a) by removing obsolete or duplicate reports from the list. The Legislative Counsel shall also remove reports from the list as directed by Section 4 of the act adding this subdivision, or a subsequent statute that further requires the Legislative Counsel to remove reports included in the list.

    (2) For purposes of this subdivision, "obsolete report" means a report that has not been completed and filed and for which the date that the report was required to be completed and filed was four or more years after the initial report is submitted.

(Amended by Stats. 2010, Ch. 7, Sec. 3. Effective February 26, 2010.)