Section 7151.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Upon application to the department, the following persons, if they have not been convicted of any violation of this code, shall be issued, free of any charge or fee, a sport fishing license, that authorizes the licensee to take any fish, reptile, or amphibian anywhere in this state for purposes other than profit:

    (1) Any blind person upon presentation of proof of blindness. "Blind person" means a person with central visual acuity of 20/200 or less in the better eye, with the aid of the best possible correcting glasses, or central visual acuity better than 20/200 if the widest diameter of the remaining visual field is no greater than 20 degrees. Proof of blindness shall be by certification from a qualified licensed optometrist or ophthalmologist or by presentation of a license issued pursuant to this paragraph in any previous license year.

    (2) Every resident Native American who, in the discretion of the department, is financially unable to pay the fee required for the license.

    (3) Any developmentally disabled person, upon presentation of certification of that disability from a qualified licensed physician, or the director of a state regional center for the developmentally disabled.

    (4) Any person who is a resident of the state and who is so severely physically disabled as to be permanently unable to move from place to place without the aid of a wheelchair, walker, forearm crutches, or a comparable mobility-related device. Proof of the disability shall be by certification from a licensed physician or surgeon or, by presentation of a license issued pursuant to this paragraph in any previous license year after 1996.

    (b) Sport fishing licenses issued pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) are valid for the calendar year of issue or, if issued after the beginning of the year, for the remainder thereof.

    (c) Sport fishing licenses issued pursuant to paragraphs (1), (3), and (4) of subdivision (a) are valid for five calendar years, or if issued after the beginning of the first year, for the remainder thereof.

    (d) Upon application to the department, the department may issue, free of any charge or fee, a sport fishing license to groups of mentally or physically handicapped persons under the care of a certified federal, state, county, city, or private licensed care center that is a community care facility as defined in subdivision (a) of Section 1502 of the Health and Safety Code, to organizations exempt from taxation under Section 501(c)(3) of the federal Internal Revenue Code, or to schools or school districts. Any organization that applies for a group fishing license shall provide evidence that it is a legitimate private licensed care center, tax-exempt organization, school, or school district. The license shall be issued to the person in charge of the group and shall be in his or her possession when the group is fishing. Employees of private licensed care centers, tax-exempt organizations, schools, or school districts are exempt from Section 7145 only while assisting physically or mentally disabled persons fishing under the authority of a valid license issued pursuant to this section. The license shall include the location where the activity will take place, the date or dates of the activity, and the maximum number of people in the group. The licenseholder shall notify the local department office before fishing and indicate where, when, and how long the group will fish.

    (e) Upon application to the department, the department may issue, free of any charge or fee, a sport fishing license to a nonprofit organization for day-fishing trips that provide recreational rehabilitation therapy for active duty members of the United States military who are currently receiving inpatient care in a military or Veterans Administration hospital and veterans with service-connected disabilities. The license shall be valid for the calendar year of issue or, if issued after the beginning of the year, for the remainder of that year. The license shall be issued to the person in charge of the group, and shall be in the licenseholder's possession when the group is fishing. The organization shall notify the local department office before fishing and indicate where, when, and how long the group will fish. To be eligible for a license under this subdivision, an organization shall be registered to do business in this state or exempt from taxation under Section 501(c) of the federal Internal Revenue Code.

    (f) On January 15 of each year, the department shall determine the number of free sport fishing licenses in effect during the preceding year under subdivisions (a), (d), and (e).

    (g) There shall be appropriated from the General Fund a sum equal to two dollars ($2) per free sport fishing license in effect during the preceding license year under subdivisions (a) and (d), as determined by the department pursuant to subdivision (f). That sum may be appropriated annually in the Budget Act for transfer to the Fish and Game Preservation Fund and appropriated in the Budget Act from the Fish and Game Preservation Fund to the department for the purposes of this part.

(Amended by Stats. 2006, Ch. 769, Sec. 1. Effective January 1, 2007.)