Section 312.  

Latest version.
  • The commission may issue a permit authorizing any member of the armed forces of the United States or any student or faculty member of an elementary or secondary school in the public school system actually assigned to, and participating in, an organized survival training course to take fish, amphibia, birds, or mammals, except rare or endangered species, notwithstanding any other law or regulation, pursuant to the terms and conditions of such permit. A permit involving training by the armed forces of the United States shall be issued to the commanding officer of the unit having jurisdiction over the conduct of the survival training course. A permit involving training by an elementary or secondary school in the public school system shall be issued to the governing board or superintendent of the district having jurisdiction over such school and the conduct of the survival training course. A permit shall be applicable only to the area established for such survival training as designated by the commission in the permit and for the species and numbers designated in the permit.

    The commission may revise any conditions of a permit if it finds such revision is necessary to properly protect the fish, amphibia, birds, or mammals in the area.

    The term of such a permit shall be for not more than a calendar year.

    A report shall be submitted on the expiration of the permit period, or as otherwise required by the commission, of all fish, amphibia, birds, or mammals taken during the period covered by the report in each permit area. No new permit may be issued until such report has been submitted and any existing permit may be canceled if such a report is not submitted when required by the commission.

    No person engaged in such survival training taking fish, amphibia, birds, or mammals pursuant to such a permit may use any firearm, bow and arrow, steel trap, explosive, chemical, poison, drug, net or fish tackle except hooks or handlines or improvised poles and lines for the taking of fish.

(Amended by Stats. 1971, Ch. 610.)