Chapter 1. Education Program
Chapter 1.5. Parental Involvement
Chapter 2. Required Courses of Study
Chapter 3. Diplomas and Certificates
Chapter 4. Prohibited Instruction
Chapter 5. Authorized Classes and Courses of Instruction
Chapter 5.5. Comprehensive Health Education
Chapter 5.6. California Comprehensive Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS Prevention Education Act
Chapter 5.7. Prevention of Brain and Spinal Cord Injuries
Chapter 6.1. Public Schools Accountability Act of 1999
Chapter 6.8. Program to Reduce Class Size in Two Courses in Grade 9
Chapter 6.9. Language Arts Enrichment Program in Grades 1 to 3, Inclusive
Chapter 6.10. Class Size Reduction Program
Chapter 7. Bilingual Education
Chapter 8. Gifted and Talented Pupil Program
Chapter 8.3. Advanced Placement Program
Chapter 8.5. Digital High School Education Technology Grant Program
Chapter 8.6. Education Technology and Professional Development Grants
Chapter 8.9. The Education Technology Grant Act of 2002
Chapter 9. Career Technical Education
Chapter 10. Adult Schools
Chapter 10.5. Immigrant Workforce Preparation Act
Chapter 11. Miscellaneous
Chapter 12. School-Based Program Coordination Act
Chapter 12.5. International Baccalaureate Diploma Program
Chapter 13. Career-Vocational Education and Training
Chapter 13. Science and Technology Education Improvement Programs
Chapter 14. Pilot Projects in Applied Academic Areas and Programs
Chapter 15. Comprehensive Reading Leadership Program
Chapter 17. School-to-Career Initiatives
Chapter 17.5. California Career Resource Network
Chapter 18. Race to the Top
( Part 28 enacted by Stats. 1976, Ch. 1010. )