Section 78910.15.  

Latest version.
  • (a) By February 28, 2009, the board shall require the California Virtual Campus to establish memorandums of understanding with at least 10 community-based organizations specified in paragraph (2) of subdivision (c) of Section 280.5 of the Public Utilities Code, that provide residents in low-income neighborhoods with access to high-speed networking and computers. The memorandum of understanding shall document the California Virtual Campus' commitment to do all of the following:

    (1) Provide high-speed network connectivity to the site.

    (2) Provide access to online courses of study and tutoring services.

    (3) Work with the community-based organization, and partner with local educational agencies, the California Technology Assistance Project, and other state-supported K-12 educational technology programs, as appropriate, to plan and promote joint educational offerings that are delivered online and supported by the staff of a community-based organization that can facilitate student use of technology.

    (b) The 10 community-based organizations shall be selected on a competitive basis by a six-member selection committee convened by the California Virtual Campus. Members of the selection committee shall include:

    (1) Two representatives of community-based organizations appointed by the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges.

    (2) One community college representative appointed by the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges.

    (3) One representative from a K-12 school district appointed by the Superintendent of Public Instruction.

    (4) One representative from the California State University appointed by the Chancellor of the California State University system.

    (5) One representative appointed by the California Emerging Technologies Fund Committee.

    (c) The selection committee convened pursuant to subdivision (b) shall ensure that no less than one community-based organization is selected from each of the nine economic regions identified by the California Economic Strategy Panel, and that all sites are willing and able to support academic offerings as outlined in the request for proposals.

    (d) The California Virtual Campus shall ensure that pilot project participants have access to adequate technical and operational support from an individual or entity under contract with the California Virtual Campus with expertise in the operation and management of community-based organizations to enable the site to successfully meet obligations set forth in the memorandum of understanding.

    (e) On or before July 1, 2013, the lead agency for the California Virtual Campus shall contract for an independent evaluation, as approved by the board, and shall submit a report to the Public Utilities Commission, or its designee, that documents the extent to which the California Virtual Campus' joint efforts with the 10 community-based organizations have achieved all of the following:

    (1) Increased the range of offerings available at each site to address the digital divide in accordance with subdivision (e) of Section 280.5 of the Public Utilities Code.

    (2) Provided for equity of access to high-speed communications networks, the Internet, and other services that provide social benefits in accordance with the legislative findings and declarations contained in Section 871.7 of the Public Utilities Code, including, but not necessarily limited to, all of the following:

    (A) Improving the quality of life among the residents of California.

    (B) Expanding access to public and private resources for education, training, and commerce.

    (C) Increasing access to public resources enhancing public health and safety.

    (D) Assisting in bridging the digital divide through expanded access to new technologies by low-income, disabled, or otherwise disadvantaged Californians.

    (E) Shifting traffic patterns by enabling telecommuting, thereby helping to improve air quality in all areas of the state and mitigating the need for highway expansion.

    (3) Supported participation in online offerings provided by the California Virtual Campus in accordance with Section 78910.10.

    (f) In the event that the board determines that the joint efforts of the California Virtual Campus and the community-based organizations have been successful pursuant to subdivision (e), the board shall submit a plan to the Legislature and the Governor by January 1, 2015, which contains recommendations for expanding the number of sites partnering with the California Virtual Campus, conditions for expansion, and recommendations for ways of addressing any potential funding requirements.

    (g) Community college local assistance expenditures to extend high-speed network connectivity to community-based organizations that partner with community colleges for instructional delivery pursuant to this section shall not exceed one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000).

(Added by Stats. 2008, Ch. 718, Sec. 3. Effective January 1, 2009. Repealed as of January 1, 2014, pursuant to Section 78910.30.)