Section 60643.  

Latest version.
  • (a) To be eligible for consideration under Section 60642.5 by the state board, test publishers shall agree in writing each year to meet the following requirements, as applicable, if selected:

    (1) Enter into an agreement, pursuant to subdivision (e) or (f), with the department by October 15 of that year.

    (2) Align the standards-based achievement test provided for in Section 60642.5 to the academically rigorous content and performance standards adopted by the state board.

    (3) Comply with subdivisions (c) and (d) of Section 60645.

    (4) Provide valid and reliable individual pupil scores to parents or guardians, teachers, and school administrators.

    (5) Provide valid and reliable aggregate scores to school districts and county boards of education in all of the following forms and formats:

    (A) Grade level.

    (B) School level.

    (C) District level.

    (D) Countywide.

    (E) Statewide.

    (F) Comparison of statewide scores relative to other states.

    (6) Provide disaggregated scores, based on limited-English-proficient status and nonlimited-English-proficient status. For purposes of this section, pupils with "nonlimited-English-proficient status" shall include the total of those pupils who are English-only pupils, fluent-English-proficient pupils, and redesignated fluent-English-proficient pupils. These scores shall be provided to school districts and county boards of education in the same forms and formats listed in paragraph (5).

    (7) Provide disaggregated scores by pupil gender and ethnicity and provide disaggregated scores based on whether pupils are economically disadvantaged or not. These disaggregated scores shall be in the same forms and formats as listed in paragraph (5). In any one year, the disaggregation shall entail information already being collected by school districts, county offices of education, or charter schools.

    (8) Provide disaggregated scores for pupils who have individualized education programs and have enrolled in special education, to the extent required by federal law. These scores shall be provided in the same forms and formats listed in paragraph (5). This section shall not be construed to exclude the scores of special education pupils from any state or federal accountability system.

    (9) Provide information listed in paragraphs (5), (6), (7), and (8) to the department and the state board in the medium requested by each entity, respectively.

    (b) It is the intent of the Legislature that the publisher work with the Superintendent and the state board in developing a methodology to disaggregate statewide scores as required in paragraphs (6) and (7) of subdivision (a), and in determining which variable indicated on the STAR testing document shall serve as a proxy for "economically disadvantaged" status pursuant to paragraph (7) of subdivision (a).

    (c) Access to information about individual pupils or their families shall be granted to the publisher only for purposes of correctly associating test results with the pupils who produced those results or for reporting and disaggregating test results as required by this section. School districts are prohibited from excluding a pupil from the test if a parent or parents decline to disclose income. This chapter does not abridge or deny rights to confidentiality contained in the federal Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (20 U.S.C. Sec. 1232g) or other applicable state and federal law that protect the confidentiality of information collected by educational institutions.

    (d) Notwithstanding any other law, the publisher of the standards-based achievement test provided for in Section 60642.5 or any contractor under subdivision (f) shall comply with all of the conditions and requirements enumerated in subdivision (a), as applicable, to the satisfaction of the state board.

    (e) (1) A publisher shall not provide a test described in Section 60642.5 or 60650 or in subdivision (f) of Section 60640 for use in California public schools, unless the publisher enters into a written contract with the department as set forth in this subdivision.

    (2) The department shall develop, and the state board shall approve, a contract to be entered into with a publisher pursuant to paragraph (1). The department may develop the contract through negotiations with the publisher.

    (3) For purposes of the contracts authorized pursuant to this subdivision, the department is exempt from the requirements of Part 2 (commencing with Section 10100) of Division 2 of the Public Contract Code and from the requirements of Article 6 (commencing with Section 999) of Chapter 6 of Division 4 of the Military and Veterans Code.

    (4) The contracts shall include provisions for progress payments to the publisher for work performed or costs incurred in the performance of the contract. Not less than 10 percent of the amount budgeted for each separate and distinct component task provided for in each contract shall be withheld pending final completion of all component tasks by that publisher. The total amount withheld pending final completion shall not exceed 10 percent of the total contract price.

    (5) The contracts shall require liquidated damages to be paid by the publisher in the amount of up to 10 percent of the total cost of the contract for any component task that the publisher through its own fault or that of its subcontractors fails to substantially perform by the date specified in the agreement.

    (6) The contracts shall establish the process and criteria by which the successful completion of each component task shall be recommended by the department and approved by the state board.

    (7) The publishers shall submit, as part of the contract negotiation process, a proposed budget and invoice schedule, that includes a detailed listing of the costs for each component task and the expected date of the invoice for each completed component task.

    (8) The contracts shall specify the following component tasks, as applicable, that are separate and distinct:

    (A) Development of new tests or test items as required by paragraph (2) of subdivision (a).

    (B) Test materials production or publication.

    (C) Delivery of test materials to school districts.

    (D) Test processing, scoring, and analyses.

    (E) Reporting of test results to the school districts, including, but not limited to, all reports specified in this section.

    (F) Reporting of test results to the department, including, but not limited to, the electronic files required pursuant to this section.

    (G) All other analyses or reports required by the Superintendent to meet the requirements of state and federal law and set forth in the agreement.

    (9) The contracts shall specify the specific reports and data files, if any, that are to be provided to school districts by the publisher and the number of copies of each report or file to be provided.

    (10) The contracts shall specify the means by which any delivery date for materials to each school district shall be verified by the publisher and the school district.

    (11) School districts may negotiate a separate agreement with the publisher for any additional materials or services not within the contracts specified in this subdivision, including, but not limited to, the administration of the tests to pupils in grade levels other than grades 2 to 11, inclusive. Any separate agreement is not within the scope of the contract specified in this subdivision.

    (f) The department, with approval of the state board, may enter into a separate contract for the development or administration of a test authorized pursuant to this part, including, but not limited to, item development, coordination of tests, assemblage of tests or test items, scoring, or reporting. The liquidated damages provision set forth in paragraph (5) of subdivision (e) shall apply to a contract entered into pursuant to this subdivision.

(Amended by Stats. 2010, 5th Ex. Sess., Ch. 2, Sec. 19. Effective April 12, 2010. Inoperative July 1, 2014. Repealed as of January 1, 2015, pursuant to Section 60601.)