Section 48664.  

Latest version.
  • (a) (1) In addition to funds from all other sources, the Superintendent shall apportion to each school district that operates a community day school four thousand dollars ($4,000) per year, and for each county office of education that operates a community day school three thousand dollars ($3,000) per year, for each unit of average daily attendance reported at the annual apportionment for pupil attendance at community day schools, adjusted annually commencing with the 1999–2000 fiscal year for the inflation adjustment calculated pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 42238.1. Average daily attendance reported for this program shall not exceed 0.375 percent of a school district's prior year P2 average daily attendance in an elementary school district, 0.5 percent of a school district's prior year P2 average daily attendance in a unified school district, or 0.625 percent of a school district's prior year P2 average daily attendance in a high school district. The units of average daily attendance of a community day school operated by a county office of education shall not exceed the unused units of average daily attendance of the community day schools operated by the school districts within the jurisdiction of that county office of education.

    (2) The Superintendent may reallocate to any school district any unexpended balance of the appropriations made for purposes of this subdivision for actual pupil attendance in excess of the percentage specified in this subdivision for the school district in an amount not to exceed one-half of that percentage. However, the average daily attendance generated by pupils expelled pursuant to subdivision (d) of Section 48915, shall not be subject to these percentage caps on average daily attendance.

    (b) The average daily attendance of a community day school shall be determined by dividing the total number of days of attendance in all full school months, by a divisor of 70 in the first period of each fiscal year, by a divisor of 135 in the second period of each fiscal year, and by a divisor of 180 at the annual time of each fiscal year.

    (c) The Superintendent shall apportion to each school district that operates a community day school an amount equal to four dollars ($4), adjusted annually commencing with the 1999–2000 fiscal year for inflation pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 42238.1, multiplied by the total of the number of hours each schoolday, up to a maximum of two hours daily, that each community day school pupil remains at the community day school under the supervision of an employee of the school district, or a consortium of school districts pursuant to Section 48916.1, reporting the attendance of the pupils for apportionment funding following completion of the full six-hour instructional day.

    (d) It is the intent of the Legislature that school districts enter into consortia, as feasible, for purposes of providing community day school programs. A school district with fewer than 2,501 units of average daily attendance may request a waiver for any fiscal year of the funding limitations set forth in this section. The Superintendent shall approve a waiver if he or she deems it necessary in order to permit the operation of a community day school of reasonably comparable quality to those offered in a school district with 2,501 or more units of average daily attendance. In no event shall the amount allocated pursuant to a waiver exceed the amount provided for one teacher pursuant to Section 42284, for pupils enrolled in kindergarten and grades 1 to 6, inclusive, or the amount provided for one teacher pursuant to Section 42284, for pupils enrolled in grades 7 to 12, inclusive. The provisions of this act shall not apply to a school district that applied for a waiver within the funding limits established by this subdivision but was denied funding or not fully funded.

    (e) The department shall evaluate and report to the appropriate legislative policy committees and budget committees on or before October 1, 1998, and for two years thereafter the following programmatic and fiscal issues:

    (1) The number of expulsions statewide.

    (2) The number of school districts operating community day schools.

    (3) Status of the countywide plans as defined in Section 48926.

    (4) An evaluation of the community day school average daily attendance funding percentage cap.

    (5) Number of small school districts requesting and the number receiving a waiver under this section.

    (6) The effect of hourly accounting under Section 48663 for purposes of receiving the additional funding under Section 48664.

    (7) The number of pupils and average daily attendance served in community day programs, further identified as the number expelled pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 48915, subdivision (d) of Section 48915, other expulsion criteria, or referred through a formal school district process.

    (8) Pupil outcome data and other data as required under Section 48916.1.

    (9) Other programmatic or fiscal matters as determined by the department.

    (f) The additional funds provided in subdivisions (a), (c), and (d) shall only be allocated to the extent that funds are appropriated for this purpose in the annual Budget Act or other legislation, or both.

    (g) A one-time adjustment shall be made to the amount specified in subdivision (a), for the 1998–99 fiscal year and subsequent fiscal years, by increasing that amount by the statewide average quotient resulting from dividing the average daily attendance specified in subparagraph (B) of paragraph (3) of subdivision (a) of Section 42238.8 by the amount specified in subparagraph (C) of paragraph (3) of subdivision (a) of Section 42238.8.

(Amended by Stats. 2013, Ch. 357, Sec. 37. Effective September 26, 2013.)