Section 47632.

Latest version.
  • For purposes of this chapter, the following terms shall be defined as follows:

    (a) "General-purpose entitlement" means an amount computed by the local control funding formula pursuant to Section 42238.02, as implemented by Section 42238.03.

    (b) "Economic impact aid-eligible pupils" means those pupils that are included in the economic impact aid-eligible pupil count pursuant to Section 54023. For purposes of applying Section 54023 to charter schools, "economically disadvantaged pupils" means the pupils described in paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of Section 54026.

    (c) "General-purpose funding" means those funds that consist of state aid, local property taxes, and other revenues applied toward a school district's local control funding formula, pursuant to Section 42238.02, as implemented by Section 42238.03.

    (d) "Categorical aid" means aid that consists of state or federally funded programs, or both, which are apportioned for specific purposes set forth in statute or regulation.

    (e) "Educationally disadvantaged pupils" means those pupils who meet federal eligibility criteria for free and reduced-price meals as specified in Section 49531, as that section read on January 1, 2013, except in regard to meals in family day care homes.

    (f) "Operational funding" means all funding except funding for capital outlay.

    (g) "School district of a similar type" means a school district that is serving similar grade levels.

    (h) "Similar pupil population" means similar numbers of pupils by grade level, with a similar proportion of educationally disadvantaged pupils.

    (i) "Sponsoring local educational agency" means the following:

    (1) If a charter school is granted by a school district, the sponsoring local educational agency is the school district.

    (2) If a charter is granted by a county office of education after having been previously denied by a school district, the sponsoring local educational agency means the school district that initially denied the charter petition.

    (3) If a charter is granted by the state board after having been previously denied by a local educational agency, the sponsoring local educational agency means the local educational agency designated by the state board pursuant to paragraph (1) of subdivision (k) of Section 47605 or if a local educational agency is not designated, the local educational agency that initially denied the charter petition.

    (4) For pupils attending county-sponsored charter schools who are eligible to attend those schools solely as a result of parental request pursuant to subdivision (b) of Section 1981, the sponsoring local educational agency means the pupils' school district of residence.

    (5) For pupils attending countywide charter schools pursuant to Section 47605.6 who reside in a basic aid school district, the sponsoring local educational agency means the school district of residence of the pupil. For purposes of this paragraph, "basic aid school district" means a school district that does not receive an apportionment of state funds as described in subdivision (o) of Section 42238.02.

(Amended by Stats. 2013, Ch. 47, Sec. 83. Effective July 1, 2013.)