Section 44393.

Latest version.
  • (a) The California School Paraprofessional Teacher Training Program is hereby established for the purpose of recruiting school paraprofessionals to participate in a program designed to encourage them to enroll in teacher training programs and to provide instructional service as teachers in the public schools.

    (b) The commission, in consultation with the Chancellor of the California Community Colleges, the Chancellor of the California State University, the President of the University of California, the chancellors of private institutions of higher education that offer accredited teacher training programs, and representatives of certificated and classified employee organizations, shall select 24 or more school districts or county offices of education representing rural, urban, and suburban areas that apply to participate in the program. The commission shall ensure that, at a minimum, a total of 600 school paraprofessionals are recruited from among the 24 or more participating school districts or county offices of education. The criteria adopted by the commission for the selection of school districts or county offices of education to participate in the program shall include all of the following:

    (1) The extent to which the applicant demonstrates the capacity and willingness to accommodate the participation of school paraprofessionals in teacher training programs conducted at institutions of higher education.

    (2) The extent to which the applicant's plan for the implementation of its recruitment program involves the active participation of one or more local campuses of the participating institutions of higher education in the development of coursework and teaching programs for participating school paraprofessionals. Each selected applicant shall be required to enter into a written articulation agreement with the participating campuses of the institutions of higher education.

    (3) The extent to which the applicant's plan for recruitment attempts to meet the demand for bilingual-crosscultural teachers.

    (4) The extent to which the applicant's plan for recruitment attempts to meet the demand for multiple subject credentialed teachers interested in teaching kindergarten or any of grades 1 to 3, inclusive. For purposes of this paragraph, each paraprofessional selected to participate shall have completed at least two years of undergraduate college or university coursework and shall have demonstrated an interest in obtaining a multiple subject teaching credential for teaching kindergarten or any of grades 1 to 3, inclusive.

    (5) The extent to which the applicant's plan for recruitment attempts to meet the demand for special education teachers.

    (6) The extent to which a developmentally sequenced series of job descriptions leads from an entry-level school paraprofessional position to an entry-level teaching position in that school district or county office of education.

    (7) The extent to which the applicant's plan for recruitment attempts to meet its own specific teacher needs.

    (8) The extent to which the applicant's plan for implementation of its recruitment program involves participation in a district internship program pursuant to Article 7.5 (commencing with Section 44325) and Section 44830.3 or a university internship program pursuant to Article 3 (commencing with Section 44450) of Chapter 3.

    (c) An applicant that is selected to participate pursuant to subdivision (b) shall provide information and assistance to each school paraprofessional it recruits under the program regarding admission to a teacher training program.

    (d) (1) The applicant shall recruit and organize groups, or "cohorts," of participants, of no more than 30, and no less than 10, in each cohort. Cohorts shall be organized to consist of participants having approximately equal academic experience and qualifications, as determined by the school district or county office of education. To the extent possible, the members of each cohort shall proceed through the same subject matter and credential programs. The members of each cohort shall enroll in the same college or university and shall be provided appropriate support and information throughout the course of their studies by the applicant.

    (2) An applicant shall require participants to satisfy all of the following requirements prior to participating in the program:

    (A) For the purpose of obtaining current criminal history information from the Department of Justice and the Federal Bureau of Investigation, obtain a certificate of clearance from the commission pursuant to Sections 44339 to 44341, inclusive, and related regulations adopted by the commission.

    (B) Provide verification of one of the following:

    (i) Has earned an associate or higher level degree.

    (ii) Has completed at least two years of study at a postsecondary educational institution.

    (iii) Has received a passing score on a formal academic assessment that demonstrates knowledge of, and the ability to assist in the instruction of, reading, writing, and mathematics. The formal academic assessment shall be based upon a job analysis for validity purposes and shall be made readily available to examinees.

    (3) An applicant shall certify that it has received a commitment from each participant that he or she will accomplish all of the following:

    (A) Graduate from an institution of higher education under the program with a bachelor's degree.

    (B) Complete all of the requirements for and obtain a multiple subject, single subject, or education specialist teaching credential.

    (C) Complete one school year of classroom instruction in the district or county office of education for each year that he or she receives assistance for books, fees, and tuition while attending an institution of higher education under the program.

    (4) To the extent that a participant does not fulfill his or her obligations, as set forth in paragraph (3), the participant shall be required to repay the assistance. If a participant is laid off, the participant may not be required to repay the assistance until the participant is offered reemployment and has an opportunity to fulfill his or her obligations under this section.

    (5) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (4), if a participant is unable to fulfill his or her obligations pursuant to paragraph (3) due to a serious illness, a pregnancy, or another natural cause, the time period for repayment of the assistance shall be extended by a maximum period of one year.

    (6) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (4), if an interruption in employment caused by a natural disaster prevents a participant from completing one of the required years of service, the time period for repayment of the assistance shall be extended by a period equal to the period between the date the interruption of employment begins and the date employment resumes.

    (e) The commission shall contract with an independent evaluator with a proven record of experience in assessing career-advancement programs or teacher training programs to conduct an evaluation to determine the success of the recruitment programs established pursuant to subdivision (b). The evaluation shall be conducted once every five years and shall incorporate data annually collected by the commission and reported to the Legislature. The commission shall complete the evaluation with existing resources. By January 1 of each year in which an evaluation is conducted pursuant to this subdivision, commencing with January 1, 2009, the commission shall submit the completed evaluation to the Governor and the education policy and fiscal committees of the Assembly and Senate. The evaluation shall include, but is not limited to, all of the following:

    (1) The total cost per person participating in the program who successfully obtains a teaching credential, based upon all state, local, federal, and other sources of funding.

    (2) The economic status of persons participating in the program.

    (3) A description of financial and other resources made available to each recruitment program by participating school districts or county offices of education, institutions of higher education, and other participating organizations.

    (4) The extent to which pupil performance on standardized achievement tests has improved in classes taught by teachers who have successfully completed the program, in comparison to classes taught by other teachers who have equivalent teaching experience.

    (5) The extent to which pupil dropout rates and other measures of delinquency have improved in classes taught by teachers who have successfully completed the program.

    (6) The extent to which teachers who have successfully completed the program remain in the communities in which they reside and in which they teach.

    (7) The attrition rate of teachers who have successfully completed the program.

    (f) Each selected school district or county office of education shall report to the commission regarding the progress of each cohort of school paraprofessionals, and other information regarding its recruitment program as the commission may direct.

    (g) No later than January 1 of each year, the commission shall report to the Legislature regarding the status of the program, including, but not limited to, the number of school paraprofessionals recruited, the academic progress of the school paraprofessionals recruited, the number of school paraprofessionals recruited who are subsequently employed as teachers in the public schools, the degree to which the program meets the demand for bilingual and special education teachers as well as meeting teacher needs in shortage areas as determined by the school district or county office of education, the degree to which the program or similar programs can meet that demand if properly funded and executed, and other effects upon the operation of the public schools.

    (h) (1) It is the intent of the Legislature that each fiscal year, funding for the California School Paraprofessional Teacher Training Program be allocated to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing for grants to applicants pursuant to this section. A grant to an applicant shall not exceed three thousand five hundred dollars ($3,500) per participant per year. Funding for grants to applicants pursuant to this subdivision shall be contingent upon an appropriation in the annual Budget Act.

    (2) The commission shall report to the Department of Finance by March 31 of each year the amount of funds collected by school districts and county offices of education as repayment of assistance pursuant to paragraph (4) of subdivision (d) and the amount of funds that remain unspent from the funds appropriated to the commission in the annual Budget Act for purposes of the program.

(Amended by Stats. 2007, Ch. 554, Sec. 2. Effective January 1, 2008.)