Section 42238.18.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, only those pupils enrolled in county office of education programs while detained in a juvenile hall, juvenile home, day center, juvenile ranch, juvenile camp, or regional youth educational facility established pursuant to Article 23 (commencing with Section 850), Article 24 (commencing with Section 880), and Article 24.5 (commencing with Section 894) of Chapter 2 of Part 1 of Division 2 of the Welfare and Institutions Code shall be counted as juvenile court school pupils. For purposes of apportionments, those pupils in a group home housing 25 or more children placed pursuant to Sections 362, 727, and 730 of the Welfare and Institutions Code or in any group home housing 25 or more children and operating one or more additional sites under a central administration for children placed pursuant to Section 362, 727, or 730 of the Welfare and Institutions Code shall be reported as county group home and institutions pupils to the Superintendent and shall be counted as juvenile court school pupils for purposes of apportionments.

    (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any county superintendent of schools operating juvenile court schools, county group home and institutions schools, or community schools, or any combination of these schools shall maintain an account in their general fund to be known as the juvenile court and community school account, and shall deposit all funds derived from the operation of juvenile court, county group home and institutions schools, and community schools into that account. Expenditures from the juvenile court and community school account shall be limited to the following:

    (1) Those expenditures defined as direct costs of instructional programs by the California State School Accounting Manual, except that facility costs, including the costs of renting, leasing, purchasing, remodeling, constructing, or improving buildings and the costs of purchasing or improving land, shall be allowed as an instructional cost in the juvenile court and community school fund. Deferred maintenance contributions made pursuant to Section 17584 may also be allowed as an instructional cost of juvenile court and county community school programs, provided the contribution does not exceed the program's proportionate share of total county school service fund expenditures as defined in Section 17584, and provided the funds are used for deferred maintenance of juvenile court and county community school facilities.

    (2) Expenditures that are defined as documented direct support costs by the California State School Accounting Manual.

    (3) Expenditures that are defined as allocated direct support costs by the California State School Accounting Manual.

    (4) Other expenditures for support and indirect charges. However, these charges may not exceed 10 percent of the sum of the expenditures in paragraphs (1), (2), and (3).

    Expenditures that represent contract payments to other agencies for the operation of juvenile court and community school programs shall be included in the juvenile court and community school account and the contract costs distributed to the cost categories defined in paragraphs (1), (2), (3), and (4). At the end of any given school year the net ending balance in the juvenile court and community school account may be distributed to a reserved account for economic contingencies or to a reserved account for capital outlay, provided that the combined total transferred does not exceed 15 percent of the current year's authorized expenditures as specified above and also provided that funds placed in the reserved accounts shall only be expended for juvenile court, county group home and institutions, or community school programs. The net ending balance, except for those funds placed in a capital outlay fund, shall not exceed the greater of 15 percent of the previous year's expenditures or twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000). A county may accumulate over a period of two or more given school years a net ending balance in the capital outlay reserved account of more than 15 percent of the current fiscal year's expenditures under provisions of a resolution of the governing board. Funds in the capital outlay reserve are to be used for capital outlay only. The Superintendent shall require an annual certification by county superintendents of schools beginning in the 1989–90 fiscal year that juvenile court, county group home and institutions, and community school funds have been expended as provided in this section and shall withhold from the subsequent year's apportionment an amount equal to any excess ending balance or excess transfers, as provided in this subdivision, in the juvenile court and community school account.

    (c) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, pupils who are referred by the county probation department under Section 601 or 654 of the Welfare and Institutions Code, shall be enrolled and eligible for apportionments in county community schools only after an individualized review and certification of the appropriateness of enrollment in the county group home and institution's school or county community school. The individualized review shall include representatives of the court, the county department of education, the county probation department, and either the school district of residence or, in cases in which the pupil resides in a group home or institution, the school district in which the group home or institution is located, and, in each case, the school district representative shall agree to the appropriateness of the proposed placement and pupils so placed shall have a probation officer assigned to their case.

    (d) Regardless of the operative date of the amendments to this section made during the 1997 portion of the 1997–98 Regular Session, this section, as so amended, shall be implemented as though it had been operative on July 1, 1996. For the purpose of implementing this section for the entire 1996–97 fiscal year, the Superintendent and other public officers shall take all necessary steps to effect the required adjustments and shall have authority to adjust allowance computations, apportionments, and disbursements ordered from Section A of the State School Fund and other public funds.

(Amended by Stats. 2006, Ch. 730, Sec. 12.5. Effective January 1, 2007.)