Section 37254.  

Latest version.
  • (a) For purposes of this section, "eligible pupil" means a pupil who has not met the high school exit examination requirement for high school graduation pursuant to Chapter 9 (commencing with Section 60850) of Part 33 of Division 4, and who has failed one or both parts of that examination by the end of grade 12.

    (b) (1) From the funds appropriated for purposes of this section in the annual Budget Act or other statute, the Superintendent shall determine a per pupil rate of funding by dividing the total amount of funds appropriated for purposes of this section by the number of eligible pupils in grade 12 as reported by school districts in accordance with paragraph (7) of subdivision (d). The Superintendent then shall apportion to each school district an amount equal to the per pupil rate determined pursuant to this paragraph multiplied by the number of eligible grade 12 pupils reported pursuant to paragraph (7) of subdivision (d).

    (2) If funds appropriated for purposes of paragraph (1) are not exhausted after the apportionment pursuant to paragraph (1) is made, the Superintendent shall determine a per pupil rate of funding for eligible pupils in grade 11 by dividing the total amount of funds appropriated for purposes of this section remaining after the apportionment pursuant to paragraph (1) has been made by the total number of eligible pupils in grade 11 reported by school districts in accordance with paragraph (7) of subdivision (d). The Superintendent shall apportion to each school district an amount equal to the per pupil rate determined pursuant to this paragraph multiplied by the number of eligible grade 11 pupils reported pursuant to paragraph (7) of subdivision (d).

    (3) The maximum per pupil rate of funding shall not exceed five hundred dollars ($500) and shall be increased annually by the percentage determined in paragraph (2) of subdivision (b) of Section 42238.1

    (c) (1) The funds described in subdivision (b) shall be used to provide intensive instruction and services designed to help eligible pupils pass the high school exit examination.

    (2) Intensive instruction and services may be provided during the regular schoolday provided that they do not supplant the instruction of the pupil in the core curriculum areas as defined in paragraph (5) of subdivision (a) of Section 60603, or physical education instruction. Eligible pupils may receive intensive instruction and services on Saturdays, evenings, or at a time and location deemed appropriate by the school district in order to meet the needs of these pupils.

    (3) Intensive instruction and services may include, but are not limited to, all of the following:

    (A) Individual or small group instruction.

    (B) The hiring of additional teachers.

    (C) Purchasing, scoring, and reviewing diagnostic assessments.

    (D) Counseling.

    (E) Designing instruction to meet specific needs of eligible pupils.

    (F) Appropriate teacher training to meet the needs of eligible pupils.

    (G) Instruction in English language arts or mathematics, or both, that eligible pupils need to pass those parts of the high school exit examination not yet passed. A school district may employ different intensive instruction and services strategies more aligned to the needs and circumstances of pupils who have not passed one or both parts of the high school exit examination by the end of grade 12 as compared to grade 12 pupils with similar needs in a comprehensive high school of the district.

    (H) The provision of instruction and services by a public or nonpublic entity, as determined by the local educational agency.

    (d) As a condition of receiving funds pursuant to subdivision (c), the school district shall accomplish all of the following:

    (1) Ensure that each eligible pupil receives an appropriate diagnostic assessment to identify that pupil's areas of need.

    (2) Ensure that each pupil receives intensive instruction and services based on the results of the diagnostic assessment, and prior results on the high school exit examination.

    (3) Ensure that all pupils who have not passed one or both parts of the high school exit examination by the end of grade 12 are notified in writing at the last known address before the end of each school term of the availability of the services in sufficient time to register for or avail themselves of those services each term for two consecutive academic years thereafter and are notified of the right of a pupil to file a complaint regarding those services as set forth in Section 35186. In addition to notifying the pupil, or his or her parent or legal guardian if the pupil is under the age of 18, in writing, the notice shall be posted in the school office and district office and on the Internet Web site of the school district, if applicable. The notice shall comply with the translation requirements of Section 48985.

    (4) Ensure that all pupils who have not passed one or both parts of the high school exit examination by the end of grade 12 have the opportunity to receive intensive instruction and services as needed based on the results of the diagnostic assessment and prior results on the high school exit examination, as specified in paragraph (2), for up to two consecutive academic years after completion of grade 12 or until the pupil has passed both parts of the high school exit examination, whichever comes first. A school district shall employ strategies for intensive instruction and services that are most likely to result in these pupils passing the parts of the high school exit examination that they have not yet passed.

    (5) Ensure that all English learners who have not passed one or both parts of the high school exit examination by the end of grade 12 have the opportunity to receive intensive instruction and services provided under paragraph (3) of subdivision (c) that also shall include services to improve English proficiency as needed based on the results of the diagnostic assessment and prior results on the high school exit examination, as specified in paragraph (2), to pass those parts of the high school exit examination not yet passed, for up to two consecutive academic years after completion of grade 12 or until the pupil has passed both parts of the high school exit examination, whichever comes first. A school district shall employ strategies for intensive instruction and services that are most likely to result in these pupils passing the parts of the high school exit examination that they have not yet passed.

    (6) Demonstrate that funds will be used to supplement and not supplant existing services.

    (7) Provide to the Superintendent, in a manner and by a date certain determined by the Superintendent, the number of eligible pupils at each high school in the school district.

    (8) Submit an annual report to the Superintendent and the appropriate county superintendent of schools in a manner determined by the Superintendent that describes the manner and frequency in which eligible pupils were notified of the intensive instruction and services provided, the number of pupils served for each type of service provided, and the number of pupils in the school district who successfully pass the high school exit examination by each type of service provided.

(Amended by Stats. 2009, Ch. 303, Sec. 7. Effective January 1, 2010.)