Section 2550.5.  

Latest version.
  • (a) For each fiscal year to which Section 2550.6 applies, revenue limit increases calculated pursuant to subdivisions (b) to (f), inclusive, of Section 2550.6 and revenue limit increases made pursuant to Section 2550.7 shall be funded from the amounts available for the inflation adjustment calculated pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of Section 2550.2. Those amounts shall be allocated as set forth in this section.

    (b) The revenue limit increases calculated pursuant to subdivisions (b) to (f), inclusive, of Section 2550.6 shall be funded as follows:

    (1) The revenue limit increases shall be funded from the funds derived from any amounts available for the inflation adjustment calculated pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of Section 2550.2.

    (2) If no funds from the inflation adjustment are available, or if the funds available for the inflation adjustment are not sufficient to fully fund the revenue limit increases, the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall reduce the revenue limit increases for the fiscal year in which the funds are insufficient on a pro rata basis.

    (c) In the first fiscal year that the funds that are available for the inflation adjustment calculated pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of Section 2550.2 exceed the amount needed to fully fund the revenue limit increases calculated pursuant to subdivisions (b) to (f), inclusive, of Section 2550.6, the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall, from those excess funds, allocate the amounts necessary to increase the revenue limits of county superintendents of schools pursuant to Section 2550.7. If those funds are not sufficient to fully fund the revenue limit increases described in Section 2550.7, the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall make allocations for those revenue limit increases on a pro rata basis. The Superintendent of Public Instruction shall, in each subsequent fiscal year that those excess funds are available, continue to allocate funds for the purposes of Section 2550.7 until the revenue limits are increased to the level contemplated by that section.

    (d) If after making the allocation described in subdivision (c) excess funds are available, the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall, for the purpose of making an inflation adjustment, allocate those funds in a uniform amount per unit of average daily attendance for each school receiving a revenue limit increase pursuant to the relevant subdivision of subdivision (b), (c), (d), (e), or (f) of Section 2550.6, with the uniform amount per unit of average daily attendance reduced as necessary and the amount thereby saved allocated to any school that does not receive a revenue limit increase pursuant to the relevant subdivision (b), (c), (d), (e), or (f) of Section 2550.6 to ensure that it has a funding level per unit of average daily attendance in the then current fiscal year that is not less than the highest funding level per unit of average daily attendance in the then current fiscal year for schools that receive a revenue limit increase pursuant to the relevant subdivision (b), (c), (d), (e), or (f) of Section 2550.6.

    (e) If in the 2000–01 fiscal year there are not sufficient funds available to fully fund revenue limits for schools subject to Section 2550.6 at the level calculated pursuant to subdivision (f) of Section 2550.6, then the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall continue to equalize revenue limits per unit of average daily attendance for those schools in a manner consistent with Section 2550.6 in the 2001–02 fiscal year, and in any subsequent fiscal year, as necessary, and consistent with subdivision (f) of Section 2550.6.

    (f) The equalization of revenue limits per unit of average daily attendance pursuant to Section 2550.6 shall be complete in the fiscal year in which the revenue limit per unit of average daily attendance, as computed pursuant to Section 2550.6, for each school subject to this section is within the following range:

    (1) Not less than the statewide average revenue limit per unit of average daily attendance for pupils enrolled in schools for the prior fiscal year multiplied by the inflation adjustment computed pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of Section 2550.2 for the current fiscal year.

    (2) Not more than the product calculated in paragraph (1) multiplied by 1.15.

    (g) For the purpose of this section, "school" or "schools" means juvenile court schools operated by a county superintendent of schools pursuant to Article 2.5 (commencing with Section 48645) of Chapter 4 of Part 27, and county community schools described in subdivision (c) of Section 1981, that are subject to Section 2550.6.

    (h) In any fiscal year in which Section 2550.1 is operative, this section shall be inoperative.

(Amended by Stats. 2002, Ch. 519, Sec. 4. Effective September 13, 2002. Subdivision (h) (inserted by Ch. 519) makes this section inoperative while Section 2550.1 is operative.)