Section 16086.  

Latest version.
  • The provisions of this section shall apply: (1) to any school district which has succeeded to and become vested with all duties, powers, purposes, jurisdiction, and responsibility with respect to a portion of an apportionment determined or redetermined to have been expended, or to be expendable, for property acquired or to be acquired by it, and which has become liable for a portion of the annual repayment of a portion of an apportionment, as provided in Section 16159; and (2) to any state-aided district a portion of the territory of which was transferred to a district described in (1), above, and in connection with which territory a portion of an apportionment made to such state-aided district has or will be expended for property acquired or to be acquired.

    If, on or before June 30 of any fiscal year, the governing board of the school district files a request with the Controller for a deferment of the annual repayment due from such district during the next succeeding fiscal year for an apportionment received by the district pursuant to this chapter, and it is determined, in accordance with this section, that the district is entitled to a deferment of all or part of the annual repayment, the deferment shall be made in accordance with the determination. The request for deferment, once filed with the Controller, shall remain in effect in each ensuing year, and the Controller shall continue to compute and allow the deferment in accordance with this section each year, until the time as the governing board of the school district files a written request with the Controller to discontinue the deferment.

    The portion of the annual repayment to be deferred under this section shall be determined as follows:

    There shall be computed the amount required to be raised by taxes on property within the district during the fiscal year in which the annual repayment is to be deducted pursuant to Section 16080, for the payment of principal and interest on: (a) that portion of the annual repayment and all other payments due the state under Section 16075 and other provisions of this chapter with respect to the portion of the apportionment for which the district has been determined to be liable under Section 16159; (b) any bonded indebtedness incurred for school purposes prior to the first conditional apportionment to the school district under this chapter; (c) any bonded indebtedness which was incurred as a condition to any apportionment under this chapter; and (d) any bonded indebtedness incurred, the proceeds of which were required to be contributed for the purposes for which an apportionment was made under this chapter. To this amount shall be added the amount required during the fiscal year, for the annual repayment of school building apportionments under this chapter. The total of these amounts shall constitute the "basic tax amount."

    If the applicant district is a unified district, the amount to be deferred shall be separately considered for each grade level thereof. For this purpose, the basic tax amount shall only include the amounts specified in the preceding paragraph required to be raised for the repayment of principal and interest on bonded indebtedness which was incurred for, or as a condition to receiving an apportionment for, or required by the board to be contributed for the purposes of, the grade level being considered, plus those amounts required for the annual repayment of apportionments made under this chapter for the grade level.

    There shall be computed the amount which would be produced by a tax of forty cents ($0.40) on each one hundred dollars ($100) of assessed valuation of the district during such year, to be known as the "40-cent tax amount," except beginning with the 1981–82 fiscal year, the amount shall be produced by a tax of 0.10 percent of the full value of the district during such year. The amount of the annual repayment to be deferred during the fiscal year in which the annual repayment is due shall be the amount, if any, by which the basic tax amount exceeds the 40-cent tax amount. The amount deferred shall be added to the annual repayment for the next succeeding fiscal year.

    On or before the last day of July of each fiscal year, the Controller shall request the Director of General Services to, and the Director of General Services shall, determine and certify to the Controller the amount of bonded debt service included in the "basic tax amount." On or before the third Monday in August of each fiscal year, the Controller shall request the county auditor of each county to, and the county auditor of each county shall, determine and certify to the Controller the current assessed valuation of property within each district which has filed a request for a deferment under this section.

    Before the date on which the board of supervisors makes the levy of taxes for county purposes, the Controller shall make the deferment determination required by this section for each district requesting a deferment, and, for each district which is entitled to a deferment, shall notify, in writing, the board of supervisors of the county, the governing board of the district, the county auditor, and the county superintendent of schools having jurisdiction over the district of the amount of the repayment of the district which is to be deferred under this section.

    For the purposes of this section the "annual repayment" means the amount of the annual repayment of the district due in a fiscal year as determined pursuant to Section 16075, plus the then unpaid deferred amount of any annual repayment due in any previous fiscal years.

    Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, if, at the end of the 30-year period provided in Section 16083 there are any deferred amounts due in any previous fiscal year remaining unpaid, repayments shall continue to be made in the manner provided by this section during each fiscal year thereafter until the amounts are paid, or for an additional period of 10 years, whichever first occurs. At the expiration of the additional 10-year period the unpaid portion of the deferred amounts shall be canceled on the books of the Controller, and the provisions of Section 16083 shall thereupon become applicable thereto and the board shall execute a conveyance to the district as provided in Section 16087.

(Repealed and added by Stats. 1996, Ch. 277, Sec. 2. Effective January 1, 1997. Operative January 1, 1998.)