Section 14005.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The amount to be transferred to Section A of the State School Fund under Section 14002 shall in each fiscal year be adjusted for errors of average daily attendance reported in prior fiscal years. Adjustment of such errors will be subject to the time limitations as provided in Section 41341. Such adjustments with regard to the amount to be transferred to Section A of the State School Fund shall be at the state's rate of contribution under Section 14002 in effect in the fiscal year to which the error applied, and shall be applied in accordance with the purposes set forth under Section 41300. The amount of any adjustment shall not, however, cause the amount to be transferred to Section A of the State School Fund during any fiscal year under Section 14002 to be less than one hundred eighty dollars ($180) per pupil in average daily attendance during the preceding fiscal year credited to all elementary, high, and unified school districts and to all county superintendents of schools in the state.

    (b) If in any fiscal year the amount transferred to Section A of the State School Fund under Section 41304 is reported to be in error, the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall notify the Controller of such error, and he shall add to or withhold from the next apportionment moneys due the district by transfers from or returns to the General Fund of such erroneous amounts.

(Repealed and added by Stats. 1979, Ch. 282.)