Section 1313.  

Latest version.
  • Each county employee whose status is changed by this article, and who is in employment and a member of a county retirement system other than one provided by contract with the State Employees' Retirement System on the date of such change, shall become eligible for membership in the State Employees' Retirement System in accordance with the State Employees' Retirement Law with respect to his employment thereafter, and shall be subject to the reciprocal benefits provided by said systems; provided, that such employee may elect to continue in membership of such county retirement system with respect to such employment thereafter, in which event the same appropriations and transfers of funds shall be made to the retirement fund of the county system for such employee as those required of the county under the county retirement law, and such amounts shall be legal charges against the county school service fund. The election authorized by this section shall be made no later than the date preceding the date upon which his status is changed in accordance with procedures to be established by the board of supervisors, which shall allow at least 30 days to make the election. The election once made may not be rescinded. An employee who does not elect to continue membership in the county system shall be deemed to have discontinued county employment for purposes of the county system at the close of the day preceding the date upon which his status changes.

(Enacted by Stats. 1976, Ch. 1010.)