Section 1812.520.  

Latest version.
  • (a) No job listing service shall make or cause to be made any false, misleading or deceptive advertisements or representations concerning the services that the job listing service will provide to jobseekers.

    (b) (1) No job listing service shall publish or cause to be published any false, fraudulent, or misleading information, representation, notice, or advertisements.

    (2) All advertisements of a job listing service shall contain the correct name of the job listing service and one of the following:

    (A) The street address of the job listing service's place of business.

    (B) The correct telephone number of the job listing service at its place of business.

    (3) No job listing service shall give any false information or make any false promises or representations concerning an engagement or employment to any jobseeker.

    (4) No job listing service shall, by its choice of name or by advertisement or representation, represent itself to be an employment agency or to perform the services of an employment agency.

    (c) Special requirements not usually associated with a job shall be specified in any advertisement. When the location of the position advertised is more than 50 miles from the job listing service office responsible for the advertisement, it shall state either the location or that the job is "nonlocal." Special benefits of the job, if advertised, shall be specifically described and substitute terms or symbols such as "extras" or "+" shall not be sufficient.

    (d) An advertised salary shall be based upon the starting salary contained in the job order. An advertised range of starting salaries shall be specified by preceding the minimum salary and maximum salary by terms "from" and "to" respectively. When the job order contains only the maximum amount of a salary range, that advertised salary shall be preceded by the word "to." If a maximum salary is dependent upon the jobseeker's experience, the advertised salary may be described by listing the minimum salary and the term "up Depending on Experience" or "up D.O.E." The words "open" and "negotiable" or words or symbols of like import shall not be used as a substitute for the salary. If an advertised salary is based in whole or in part on commissions, that fact shall be indicated in the advertisement.

    (e) All job listing services shall maintain a record of all advertised jobs, correlated to show the date and the publication in which the advertisement appeared and the job order number of each job advertised, retrospectively for a period of one year.

(Amended by Stats. 1990, Ch. 1256, Sec. 7.)