Section 872.230.  

Latest version.
  • The complaint shall set forth:

    (a) A description of the property that is the subject of the action. In the case of tangible personal property, the description shall include its usual location. In the case of real property, the description shall include both its legal description and its street address or common designation, if any.

    (b) All interests the plaintiff has or claims in the property.

    (c) All interests of record or actually known to the plaintiff that persons other than the plaintiff have or claim in the property and that the plaintiff reasonably believes will be materially affected by the action, whether the names of such persons are known or unknown to the plaintiff.

    (d) The estate as to which partition is sought and a prayer for partition of the interests therein.

    (e) Where the plaintiff seeks sale of the property, an allegation of the facts justifying such relief in ordinary and concise language.

(Added by Stats. 1976, Ch. 73.)