Section 700.015.  

Latest version.
  • (a) To levy upon real property, the levying officer shall record with the recorder of the county where the real property is located a copy of the writ of execution and a notice of levy that describes the property levied upon and states that the judgment debtor's interest in the described property has been levied upon. If the judgment debtor's interest in the real property stands upon the records of the county in the name of a person other than the judgment debtor, the notice of levy shall identify the third person and the recorder shall index the copy of the writ and notice of levy in the names of both the judgment debtor and the third person.

    (b) At the time of levy or promptly thereafter, the levying officer shall serve a copy of the writ and a notice of levy on any third person in whose name the judgment debtor's interest in the real property stands upon the records of the county. Service shall be made personally or by mail. If service on the third person is by mail, it shall be sent to the person at the address for such person, if any, shown by the records of the office of the tax assessor of the county where the real property is located or, if no address is so shown, to the person at the address used by the county recorder for the return of the instrument creating the interest of the third person in the property.

    (c) At the time of levy or promptly thereafter, the levying officer shall serve a copy of the writ and a notice of levy on one occupant of the real property. Service on the occupant shall be made by leaving the copy of the writ and a notice of levy with the occupant personally or, in the occupant's absence, with a person of suitable age and discretion found upon the real property when service is attempted who is either an employee or agent of the occupant or a member of the occupant's household. If unable to serve such an occupant at the time service is attempted, the levying officer shall post the copy of the writ and the notice of levy in a conspicuous place on the real property. If the real property described in the notice of levy consists of more than one distinct lot, parcel, or governmental subdivision and any of the lots, parcels, or governmental subdivisions lies with relation to any of the others so as to form one or more continuous, unbroken tracts, only one service or posting need be made under this subdivision as to each continuous, unbroken tract.

(Added by Stats. 1982, Ch. 1364, Sec. 2. Operative July 1, 1983, by Sec. 3 of Ch. 1364.)