Section 5096.  

Latest version.
  • (a) An individual whose principal place of business is not in this state and who has a valid and current license, certificate, or permit to practice public accountancy from another state may, subject to the conditions and limitations in this article, engage in the practice of public accountancy in this state under a practice privilege without obtaining a certificate or license under this chapter if the individual satisfies one of the following:

    (1) The individual has continually practiced public accountancy as a certified public accountant under a valid license issued by any state for at least four of the last 10 years.

    (2) The individual has a license, certificate, or permit from a state which has been determined by the board to have education, examination, and experience qualifications for licensure substantially equivalent to this state's qualifications under Section 5093.

    (3) The individual possesses education, examination, and experience qualifications for licensure which have been determined by the board to be substantially equivalent to this state's qualifications under Section 5093.

    (b) The board may designate states as substantially equivalent under paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) and may accept individual qualification evaluations or appraisals conducted by designated entities, as satisfying the requirements of paragraph (3) of subdivision (a).

    (c) To obtain a practice privilege under this section, an individual who meets the requirements of subdivision (a), shall do the following:

    (1) In the manner prescribed by board regulation, notify the board of the individual's intent to practice.

    (2) Pay a fee as provided in Article 8 (commencing with Section 5130).

    (d) Except as otherwise provided by this article or by board regulation, the practice privilege commences when the individual notifies the board, provided the fee is received by the board within 30 days of that date. The board shall permit the notification to be provided electronically.

    (e) An individual who holds a practice privilege under this article:

    (1) Is subject to the personal and subject matter jurisdiction and disciplinary authority of the board and the courts of this state.

    (2) Shall comply with the provisions of this chapter, board regulations, and other laws, regulations, and professional standards applicable to the practice of public accountancy by the licensees of this state and to any other laws and regulations applicable to individuals practicing under practice privileges in this state except the individual is deemed, solely for the purpose of this article, to have met the continuing education requirements and ethics examination requirements of this state when such individual has met the examination and continuing education requirements of the state in which the individual holds the valid license, certificate, or permit on which the substantial equivalency is based.

    (3) Shall not provide public accountancy services in this state from any office located in this state, except as an employee of a firm registered in this state. This paragraph does not apply to public accountancy services provided to a client at the client's place of business or residence.

    (4) Is deemed to have appointed the regulatory agency of the state that issued the individual's certificate, license, or permit upon which substantial equivalency is based as the individual's agent on whom notices, subpoenas, or other process may be served in any action or proceeding by the board against the individual.

    (5) Shall cooperate with any board investigation or inquiry and shall timely respond to a board investigation, inquiry, request, notice, demand, or subpoena for information or documents and timely provide to the board the identified information and documents.

    (f) A practice privilege expires one year from the date of the notice, unless a shorter period is set by board regulation.

    (g) (1) No individual may practice under a practice privilege without prior approval of the board if the individual has, or acquires at any time during the term of the practice privilege, any disqualifying condition under paragraph (2) of this subdivision.

    (2) Disqualifying conditions include:

    (A) Conviction of any crime other than a minor traffic violation.

    (B) Revocation, suspension, denial, surrender, or other discipline or sanctions involving any license, permit, registration, certificate, or other authority to practice any profession in this or any other state or foreign country or to practice before any state, federal, or local court or agency, or the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board.

    (C) Pendency of any investigation, inquiry, or proceeding by or before any state, federal or local court or agency, including, but not limited to, the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, involving the professional conduct of the individual.

    (D) Any judgment or arbitration award against the individual involving the professional conduct of the individual in the amount of thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) or greater.

    (E) Any other conditions as specified by the board in regulation.

    (3) The board may adopt regulations exempting specified minor occurrences of the conditions listed in subparagraph (B) of paragraph (2) from being disqualifying conditions under this subdivision.

    (h) This section shall become operative on January 1, 2019.

(Repealed (in Sec. 9) and added by Stats. 2012, Ch. 411, Sec. 10. Effective January 1, 2013. Section operative January 1, 2019, by its own provisions, subject to conditions in Section 5096.10)