Section 4980.43.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Prior to applying for licensure examinations, each applicant shall complete experience that shall comply with the following:

    (1) A minimum of 3,000 hours completed during a period of at least 104 weeks.

    (2) Not more than 40 hours in any seven consecutive days.

    (3) Not less than 1,700 hours of supervised experience completed subsequent to the granting of the qualifying master's or doctoral degree.

    (4) Not more than 1,300 hours of supervised experience obtained prior to completing a master's or doctoral degree.

    The applicant shall not be credited with more than 750 hours of counseling and direct supervisor contact prior to completing the master's or doctoral degree.

    (5) No hours of experience may be gained prior to completing either 12 semester units or 18 quarter units of graduate instruction and becoming a trainee except for personal psychotherapy.

    (6) No hours of experience may be gained more than six years prior to the date the application for examination eligibility was filed, except that up to 500 hours of clinical experience gained in the supervised practicum required by subdivision (c) of Section 4980.37 and subparagraph (B) of paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of Section 4980.36 shall be exempt from this six-year requirement.

    (7) Not more than a combined total of 1,000 hours of experience in the following:

    (A) Direct supervisor contact.

    (B) Professional enrichment activities. For purposes of this chapter, "professional enrichment activities" include the following:

    (i) Workshops, seminars, training sessions, or conferences directly related to marriage and family therapy attended by the applicant that are approved by the applicant's supervisor. An applicant shall have no more than 250 hours of verified attendance at these workshops, seminars, training sessions, or conferences.

    (ii) Participation by the applicant in personal psychotherapy, which includes group, marital or conjoint, family, or individual psychotherapy by an appropriately licensed professional. An applicant shall have no more than 100 hours of participation in personal psychotherapy. The applicant shall be credited with three hours of experience for each hour of personal psychotherapy.

    (8) Not more than 500 hours of experience providing group therapy or group counseling.

    (9) For all hours gained on or after January 1, 2012, not more than 500 hours of experience in the following:

    (A) Experience administering and evaluating psychological tests, writing clinical reports, writing progress notes, or writing process notes.

    (B) Client centered advocacy.

    (10) Not less than 500 total hours of experience in diagnosing and treating couples, families, and children. For up to 150 hours of treating couples and families in conjoint therapy, the applicant shall be credited with two hours of experience for each hour of therapy provided.

    (11) Not more than 375 hours of experience providing personal psychotherapy, crisis counseling, or other counseling services via telehealth in accordance with Section 2290.5.

    (12) It is anticipated and encouraged that hours of experience will include working with elders and dependent adults who have physical or mental limitations that restrict their ability to carry out normal activities or protect their rights.

    This subdivision shall only apply to hours gained on and after January 1, 2010.

    (b) All applicants, trainees, and registrants shall be at all times under the supervision of a supervisor who shall be responsible for ensuring that the extent, kind, and quality of counseling performed is consistent with the training and experience of the person being supervised, and who shall be responsible to the board for compliance with all laws, rules, and regulations governing the practice of marriage and family therapy. Supervised experience shall be gained by interns and trainees either as an employee or as a volunteer. The requirements of this chapter regarding gaining hours of experience and supervision are applicable equally to employees and volunteers. Experience shall not be gained by interns or trainees as an independent contractor.

    (1) If employed, an intern shall provide the board with copies of the corresponding W-2 tax forms for each year of experience claimed upon application for licensure.

    (2) If volunteering, an intern shall provide the board with a letter from his or her employer verifying the intern's employment as a volunteer upon application for licensure.

    (c) Except for experience gained pursuant to subparagraph (B) of paragraph (7) of subdivision (a), supervision shall include at least one hour of direct supervisor contact in each week for which experience is credited in each work setting, as specified:

    (1) A trainee shall receive an average of at least one hour of direct supervisor contact for every five hours of client contact in each setting.

    (2) An individual supervised after being granted a qualifying degree shall receive at least one additional hour of direct supervisor contact for every week in which more than 10 hours of client contact is gained in each setting. No more than five hours of supervision, whether individual or group, shall be credited during any single week.

    (3) For purposes of this section, "one hour of direct supervisor contact" means one hour per week of face-to-face contact on an individual basis or two hours per week of face-to-face contact in a group.

    (4) Direct supervisor contact shall occur within the same week as the hours claimed.

    (5) Direct supervisor contact provided in a group shall be provided in a group of not more than eight supervisees and in segments lasting no less than one continuous hour.

    (6) Notwithstanding paragraph (3), an intern working in a governmental entity, a school, a college, or a university, or an institution that is both nonprofit and charitable may obtain the required weekly direct supervisor contact via two-way, real-time videoconferencing. The supervisor shall be responsible for ensuring that client confidentiality is upheld.

    (7) All experience gained by a trainee shall be monitored by the supervisor as specified by regulation.

    (d) (1) A trainee may be credited with supervised experience completed in any setting that meets all of the following:

    (A) Lawfully and regularly provides mental health counseling or psychotherapy.

    (B) Provides oversight to ensure that the trainee's work at the setting meets the experience and supervision requirements set forth in this chapter and is within the scope of practice for the profession as defined in Section 4980.02.

    (C) Is not a private practice owned by a licensed marriage and family therapist, a licensed psychologist, a licensed clinical social worker, a licensed physician and surgeon, or a professional corporation of any of those licensed professions.

    (2) Experience may be gained by the trainee solely as part of the position for which the trainee volunteers or is employed.

    (e) (1) An intern may be credited with supervised experience completed in any setting that meets both of the following:

    (A) Lawfully and regularly provides mental health counseling or psychotherapy.

    (B) Provides oversight to ensure that the intern's work at the setting meets the experience and supervision requirements set forth in this chapter and is within the scope of practice for the profession as defined in Section 4980.02.

    (2) An applicant shall not be employed or volunteer in a private practice, as defined in subparagraph (C) of paragraph (1) of subdivision (d), until registered as an intern.

    (3) While an intern may be either a paid employee or a volunteer, employers are encouraged to provide fair remuneration to interns.

    (4) Except for periods of time during a supervisor's vacation or sick leave, an intern who is employed or volunteering in private practice shall be under the direct supervision of a licensee that has satisfied the requirements of subdivision (g) of Section 4980.03. The supervising licensee shall either be employed by and practice at the same site as the intern's employer, or shall be an owner or shareholder of the private practice. Alternative supervision may be arranged during a supervisor's vacation or sick leave if the supervision meets the requirements of this section.

    (5) Experience may be gained by the intern solely as part of the position for which the intern volunteers or is employed.

    (f) Except as provided in subdivision (g), all persons shall register with the board as an intern in order to be credited for postdegree hours of supervised experience gained toward licensure.

    (g) Except when employed in a private practice setting, all postdegree hours of experience shall be credited toward licensure so long as the applicant applies for the intern registration within 90 days of the granting of the qualifying master's or doctoral degree and is thereafter granted the intern registration by the board.

    (h) Trainees, interns, and applicants shall not receive any remuneration from patients or clients, and shall only be paid by their employers.

    (i) Trainees, interns, and applicants shall only perform services at the place where their employers regularly conduct business, which may include performing services at other locations, so long as the services are performed under the direction and control of their employer and supervisor, and in compliance with the laws and regulations pertaining to supervision. Trainees and interns shall have no proprietary interest in their employers' businesses and shall not lease or rent space, pay for furnishings, equipment or supplies, or in any other way pay for the obligations of their employers.

    (j) Trainees, interns, or applicants who provide volunteered services or other services, and who receive no more than a total, from all work settings, of five hundred dollars ($500) per month as reimbursement for expenses actually incurred by those trainees, interns, or applicants for services rendered in any lawful work setting other than a private practice shall be considered an employee and not an independent contractor. The board may audit applicants who receive reimbursement for expenses, and the applicants shall have the burden of demonstrating that the payments received were for reimbursement of expenses actually incurred.

    (k) Each educational institution preparing applicants for licensure pursuant to this chapter shall consider requiring, and shall encourage, its students to undergo individual, marital or conjoint, family, or group counseling or psychotherapy, as appropriate. Each supervisor shall consider, advise, and encourage his or her interns and trainees regarding the advisability of undertaking individual, marital or conjoint, family, or group counseling or psychotherapy, as appropriate. Insofar as it is deemed appropriate and is desired by the applicant, the educational institution and supervisors are encouraged to assist the applicant in locating that counseling or psychotherapy at a reasonable cost.

(Amended by Stats. 2012, Ch. 799, Sec. 31. Effective January 1, 2013.)