Section 4830.  

Latest version.
  • (a) This chapter does not apply to:

    (1) Veterinarians while serving in any armed branch of the military service of the United States or the United States Department of Agriculture while actually engaged and employed in their official capacity.

    (2) Regularly licensed veterinarians in actual consultation from other states.

    (3) Regularly licensed veterinarians actually called from other states to attend cases in this state, but who do not open an office or appoint a place to do business within this state.

    (4) Veterinarians employed by the University of California while engaged in the performance of duties in connection with the College of Agriculture, the Agricultural Experiment Station, the School of Veterinary Medicine, or the agricultural extension work of the university or employed by the Western University of Health Sciences while engaged in the performance of duties in connection with the College of Veterinary Medicine or the agricultural extension work of the university.

    (5) Students in the School of Veterinary Medicine of the University of California or the College of Veterinary Medicine of the Western University of Health Sciences who participate in diagnosis and treatment as part of their educational experience, including those in off-campus educational programs under the direct supervision of a licensed veterinarian in good standing, as defined in paragraph (1) of subdivision (b) of Section 4848, appointed by the University of California, Davis, or the Western University of Health Sciences.

    (6) A veterinarian who is employed by the Meat and Poultry Inspection Branch of the California Department of Food and Agriculture while actually engaged and employed in his or her official capacity. A person exempt under this paragraph shall not otherwise engage in the practice of veterinary medicine unless he or she is issued a license by the board.

    (7) Unlicensed personnel employed by the Department of Food and Agriculture or the United States Department of Agriculture when in the course of their duties they are directed by a veterinarian supervisor to conduct an examination, obtain biological specimens, apply biological tests, or administer medications or biological products as part of government disease or condition monitoring, investigation, control, or eradication activities.

    (b) This section shall become operative on January 1, 2011.

(Repealed (in Sec. 1) and added by Stats. 2006, Ch. 823, Sec. 2. Effective January 1, 2007. Section operative January 1, 2011, by its own provisions.)