Section 2052.5.  

Latest version.
  • (a) The proposed registration program developed pursuant to subdivision (b) shall provide that, for purposes of the proposed registration program:

    (1) A physician and surgeon practices medicine in this state across state lines when that person is located outside of this state but, through the use of any medium, including an electronic medium, practices or attempts to practice, or advertises or holds himself or herself out as practicing, any system or mode of treating the sick or afflicted in this state, or diagnoses, treats, operates for, or prescribes for any ailment, blemish, deformity, disease, disfigurement, disorder, injury, or other physical or mental condition of any person in this state.

    (2) A doctor of podiatric medicine practices podiatric medicine in this state across state lines when that person is located outside of this state but, through the use of any medium, including an electronic medium, practices or attempts to practice podiatric medicine, as defined in Section 2472, in this state.

    (3) The proposed registration program shall not apply to any consultation described in Section 2060.

    (b) The board may, at its discretion, develop a proposed registration program to permit a physician and surgeon, or a doctor of podiatric medicine, located outside this state to register with the board to practice medicine or podiatric medicine in this state across state lines.

    (1) The proposed registration program shall include proposed requirements for registration, including, but not limited to, licensure in the state or country where the physician and surgeon, or the doctor of podiatric medicine, resides, and education and training requirements.

    (2) The proposed registration program may also include all of the following: (A) standards for confidentiality, format, and retention of medical records, (B) access to medical records by the board, (C) registration fees, renewal fees, delinquency fees, and replacement document fees in an amount not to exceed the actual cost of administering the registration program, and (D) provisions ensuring that enforcement and consumer education shall be integral parts of administering the registration program.

    (3) The proposed registration program may also provide all of the following:

    (A) All laws, rules, and regulations that govern the practice of medicine or podiatric medicine in this state, including, but not limited to, confidentiality and reporting requirements, shall apply to a physician and surgeon, or a doctor of podiatric medicine, who is registered by the board to practice medicine or podiatric medicine in this state across state lines.

    (B) The board may deny an application for registration or may suspend, revoke, or otherwise discipline a registrant for any of the following: (i) on any ground prescribed by this chapter, (ii) failure to possess or to maintain a valid license in the state where the registrant resides, or (iii) if the applicant or registrant is not licensed by the state or country in which he or she resides, and that state or country prohibits the practice of medicine or podiatric medicine from that state or country into any other state or country without a valid registration or license issued by the state or country in which the applicant or registrant practices. Action to deny or discipline a registrant shall be taken in the manner provided for in this chapter.

    (C) Any of the following shall be grounds for discipline of a registrant: (i) to allow any person to engage in the practice of medicine or podiatric medicine in this state across state lines under his or her registration, including, but not limited to, any nurse, physician assistant, medical assistant, or other person, (ii) to fail to include his or her registration number on any invoice or other type of billing statement submitted for care or treatment provided to a patient located in this state, (iii) to practice medicine or podiatric medicine in any other state or country without meeting the legal requirements to practice medicine or podiatric medicine in that state or country, or (iv) to fail to notify the board, in a manner prescribed by the board, of any restrictions placed on his or her medical license, or podiatric medical license, in any state.

    (D) A registration issued pursuant to the registration program shall automatically be suspended upon receipt of a copy, from the state that issued the license, of the surrender, revocation, suspension, or other similar type of action taken by another state or country against a medical license, or podiatric medical license, issued to a registrant. The board shall notify the registrant in writing of the suspension and of the registrant's right to a hearing.

    (4) Section 2314 shall not apply to the registration program.

    (c) This section shall not be construed to authorize the board to implement a registration program for physicians and surgeons or doctors of podiatric medicine located outside this state. This section is intended to authorize the board to develop a proposed registration program to be authorized for implementation by future legislation.

(Amended by Stats. 1997, Ch. 17, Sec. 3. Effective January 1, 1998.)