Section 17550.20.  

Latest version.
  • (a) Not less than 10 days prior to doing business in this state, a seller of travel shall apply for registration with the office of the Attorney General by filing with the Consumer Law Section the information required by Section 17550.21 and a filing fee of one hundred dollars ($100) for each location from which the seller of travel conducts business. A late fee of five dollars ($5) per day, up to a maximum of five hundred dollars ($500), shall be paid for each day after the time specified by this section until the filing fee and the information required by Section 17550.21 are received. No registration shall be issued or approved until the late fee, and the filing and late fees for each year the seller of travel operated without being registered, have been paid. A seller of travel shall be deemed to do business in this state if the seller of travel solicits business from locations in this state or solicits prospective purchasers who are located in this state.

    (b) Registration shall be valid for one year from the effective date thereof shown on the registration issued by the office of the Attorney General and may be annually renewed by making the filing required by Section 17550.21 and paying a filing fee of one hundred dollars ($100) for each location from which the seller of travel conducts business. A late fee of five dollars ($5) per day, up to a maximum of five hundred dollars ($500), shall be paid for each day after the time specified by this section until the filing fee and the information required by Section 17550.21 are received. No registration shall be renewed until the late fee, and the filing and late fees for each year the seller of travel operated without being registered, have been paid.

    (c) Whenever, prior to expiration of a seller of travel's annual registration, there is a material change in the information required by Section 17550.21, the seller of travel shall, within 10 days, file an addendum updating the information with the Consumer Law Section of the office of the Attorney General.

    (d) (1) Not less than 10 days prior to the transfer or sale of any interest in a seller of travel, the selling or transferring owner shall file with the office of the Attorney General, Seller of Travel Program, a notice of encumbrance, sale, or transfer of ownership, using a form provided for that purpose by the office of the Attorney General. The notice shall provide the information required pursuant to subdivision (d) of Section 17550.21 as to each transferee.

    (2) Until the time the notice of encumbrance, sale, or transfer of ownership required in paragraph (1) is filed as required, the selling, encumbering, or transferring owner is responsible for all acts of and obligations imposed by law on the transferee sellers of travel to the same extent as they would have been responsible had there been no transfer, sale, or encumbrance.

    (e) The office of the Attorney General shall suspend the registration of any seller of travel who (1) fails to make any payment required pursuant to Article 2.7 (commencing with Section 17550.35) or (2) submits a check in payment of a registration fee or late fee required by this section that is not honored by the institution on which it is drawn. The Attorney General shall provide written notice to the seller of travel by first-class mail at the seller of travel's place of business set forth in the registration statement that the seller of travel's registration has been suspended until all fees that are due have been paid. The registration of the seller of travel shall be suspended until all such payments due have been collected.

    (f) The Attorney General may, at his or her discretion and subject to supervision by the Attorney General or his or her delegate, contract out all or any part of the processing of registrations required by this section.

    (g) This section does not apply to an individual, natural person who meets all of the following conditions:

    (1) Has a written contract with a registered seller of travel to act on that registered seller of travel's behalf in offering or selling air or sea transportation and other travel goods or services in connection with the transportation.

    (2) Acts only on behalf of a registered seller of travel with whom the person has a written contract in the offer or sale to a passenger of air or sea transportation and other goods or services in connection with the transportation and sells no other air or sea transportation or travel services to that passenger.

    (3) Provides air or sea transportation or travel services that are offered or sold pursuant to the official agency appointment of the registered seller of travel with whom the person has a written contract.

    (4) Does not receive any consideration for air or sea transportation or other travel services from the passenger.

    (5) Requires the passenger to pay all consideration for air or sea transportation or other travel services directly to the air carrier or ocean carrier or to the registered seller of travel.

    (6) Discloses both of the following:

    (A) The person is acting on behalf of a registered seller of travel.

    (B) The name, address, telephone number, and registration number of the registered seller of travel on whose behalf the person is acting.

    The person shall make the disclosures required by this paragraph in writing to the passenger at the same time the passenger receives notice under Section 17550.13. If the person transacts business in this state on the Internet, the disclosures also shall appear on the home page of the person's Web site and shall be prominently set forth in the first electronic mail message sent to the passenger that refers to the passenger's purchase of air or sea transportation or travel services.

    (h) Whenever the Attorney General determines that a registration application is accurate and complete, the application shall be processed and a registration certificate shall be issued to the seller of travel within 21 days.

(Amended by Stats. 2003, Ch. 196, Sec. 5. Effective January 1, 2004.)